Thursday, March 11, 2021

Winter Storm Warning

 The weather's been pretty quiet these last few weeks. Had some snow flurries and a spot of rain, but otherwise not much going on.

That's about to change. The NWS issued a Winter Storm Warning a day or so ago, and it starts at 0500 om the 13th and goes to 0600 on the 15th. Starting tomorrow, there's a 70% chance of rain/snow, turning to 100% for Saturday and Sunday. Up until an hour or so ago all they were saying is the snow would be "heavy", but now they've added the expected amounts. They're calling for 24"~30", up from 6"~10", and winds over 30MPH.

That's NOT going to be pleasant to be out in, as this time of year with the temps in the high20's/low 30's, it's going to be heavy, wet snow, and stuff may get broken.

I have to drop SLW off at the big Medical Center here to have a test performed, and we'll stop on the way back (if she's not too groggy) to pick up a few things like some COFFEE, rawhide chews for the dog, and some diet soda for me.

Be safe out there!


  1. Stay safe my friend. We're praying for you. Our weather is windy and rainy but no storm warnings have been issued.

    1. The last time we came out here before we moved was the March that they had the "worst" Spring storm. Branches were down everywhere, and the National Guard was out helping the city clean up.

      This one isn't supposed to be that bad, but close. Heavy, wet snow is a pain! But right after the storm goes through it's going to be over 40*, so it will melt fast, making the backyard a muddy mess!

    2. I had high hopes that the winter was "over" but I expect that it won't be as of today. We're expecting snow in Arizona. Not as much as you are, but snow all the same.

    3. The predicted snowfall has values all over the map. The localized forecast says 4"~8" on Saturday, and another 8"~12" overnight, while the map says 18"~24", down from the 24"~30" they forecast yesterday evening.

      Whatever it winds up being is a lot, though!

  2. Philly has seen a few days of false spring, but I learned the hard way that it's too early to oil mist the engine and stow it for summer.
    Fingers crossed that you don't get hit with the snow hammer.

    1. Sigh. Read that as "...oil mist the snowthrower engine...."

    2. The tulips broke through the soil last week, and parts of the yard are greening up. This might put those on hold for a while!

  3. You all be safe and God bless, drjim.

  4. Y'all hunker down and be ready for whatever happens... Doing the same as it's getting here later in the week.

    1. This is the same storm that dumped ~24" on Rev. Paul in Alaska, and it looks like we're gonna get clobbered, too.

      At least it's not forecast to be as cold as that last one that hammered you guys.

  5. The good news, if you can call it that, is the trees and bushes haven't started budding. To our East, KS and NE may get hit by big floods if the storm is more rain than snow.

    1. Yeah, the March storm we had last year knocked all the buds off the crab apple tree in the backyard. We really missed seeing the tree explode with bright red flowers.

      The tulips in the front are a few inches above ground, but they got through it last year, so we're hoping they don't get blasted by this one.

      I think this one will be mostly snow, but the temps are high enough to melt a lot of it quickly. I just hope a lot of it manages to soak in. I'm more worried about the huge burn areas we have. Here's hoping the 34 out of Estes Park and the 14 out of the Poudre Canyon stay intact!

  6. Don't forget to buy (like everyone else) your French Toast Supplies (Eggs, Bread, and Milk) like everyone else.....

    I think it is a law that those need to be purchased so the stores run out of them before every major forecasted storm.....

    1. Not real big on French Toast, but we have all that stuff on hand.

      Gonna pick up the last few items we're a bit low on later this afternoon.


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