Wednesday, March 20, 2019

New Operating Desk

After a year of using my "temporary" radio setup, I finally upgraded the folding, plastic table to a nice wood table with drawers.

The plastic table has served me well for over 15 years in Field Day duty, but it looked out of place in the sun room, and was about 10" shorter and 6" shallower, so organizing all my stuff on it was trying at times!

Lots of room now.....

And it has drawers, greatly helping to keep desk clutter down down to a manageable level.


  1. Nice looking table, really. Congratulations.

    1. And it made my wife very happy to get the area looking much more presentable.

  2. It certainly looks right, and your stuff isn't crowded. Well done.

    1. Looks way more appropriate than a plastic "card table"!

  3. Congrats on the upgrade. I need more bookshelves, speaking of tidying things up.

    1. Thanks, LSP. We're quite well fixed for book shelves. The basement room the Electronics Shop is in has one wall of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. After culling my book collection, I have four open shelves!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, NFO.

      It's much more comfortable, too. The surface is higher, and 6" deeper, besides being 10" longer.


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