Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Ford Raptor to Get the GT500's Supercharged V8

For those times when six cylinders just aren't enough.....

Full article describing the rip snortin', Seven Hundred horsepower engine can be found here at the Hagerty website.

And when you open the hood..........


  1. That is a stunningly, gorgeous, awesome truck!

    1. Yep. "LL" from Virtual Mirage has one, and they're pretty damn spiffy!

  2. I had a Ford Aerostar with the 2.8l Mustang Engine in it. That sucker was one fast soccer-mom van.

    700hp? That's more than in the last gen variants of the M113 APC. Dang...

  3. The V6 2.8 engine? If so, that was quite a storied engine. It's the same V6 they used in the Ford Capri and Capri II. Called the "Cologne V6" for it's origin in Germany.

    1. I loved passing Porches at, uh, um, yeah, going too fast. With stuff on the roof rack. Interesting facial expressions I'd see as some Autobahn wannabe gets all googlie-eyed over a momvan with shields and armor bags hanging off the roof blowing past said Pseudo-Kraut.

      It wasn't as fast as my wife's Volvo 760turbo (without the speed limiter...) but good enough for government work.

      As far as I could determine, it was a V5, as I could not ever find the 6th plug. Seems you have to put the car on a lift, undo the engine mounts, and carefully lower the engine down in order to find the missing plugs.

      The only real issue was I'd keep getting pulled over because the right rear taillight kept blowing. Bastige Florida Highway Patrol people, no humor at all.

    2. HAH! I've worked on more than few cars that had the "Missing Spark Plug" syndrome.

      The Boss 429 Mustangs required you to pull the master cylinder to change the last plug on the driver's side, and my '69 Corvette (427/390HP) had a couple that were not fun to get at.

  4. There IS such a thing as overkill... LOL

    1. Hey, if some is good, more is better.....

    2. JL, I disagree, there is no such thing as Overkill. I reference Schlock Mercenary's The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries Rule #37:
      "There is no 'Overkill.' There is only 'Open fire' and 'I need to reload'."
      Wandering Neurons

    3. I was thinking the same thing.
      And if you're leaving scorch marks....


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