Friday, March 1, 2019

2330 Here Where It's 30* and Snowing

Not very hard, though. It started around 2100 and has tapered off (for now!) to just a few flakes, leaving about 1" of accumulation. My "Snow Gauge" is a 12" stainless steel scale attached to the glass top of the patio table. Not super precise, but better than no gauge at all.

The forecast says "Up to 3"" overnight, with more coming in all day Saturday with the possibility of another 3".

And Saturday night is expected to bring an additional 2" to 4".

March is historically the 'snowiest' month here, with an historical average of 12".

The Little Guy finally crashed out around 2115. He knows something's up, but he's not sure what. All the adults were playing with funny hats tonight, and he loved it.

Since his birthday is the same day as Dr. Suess, guess what theme the party has......

If you guessed:


I'm sure a splendid time will be had by all......


  1. Spent the last two days making a repair on the 95 Taurus. No parts available so used the poor mans friend, JB Weld. Just beat the storm.

  2. JB Weld is amazing stuff. The off-road guys use it for "Field Expedient" (no welder!) repairs. I've seen people glue differential cases and transfer cases back together, and then slooowly crawl out of where ever it was where they broke.

  3. Enjoy the little one! And not so much the snow... sigh

    1. A splendid time was had by all!

      Snow took about 30 minutes to clear. I did half the driveway, and all of the sidewalk down to the corner.


Keep it civil, please....

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