Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Supra Is Now "Colorado Tagged".....Crazy Windy Today

Total cost including title transfer was $206.20 for FIVE years of registration. Add in the cost of the emissions test and VIN Verification and the total is $251.20.

The cost of registration is Kommiefornia was $130 PER YEAR.

The Jeep is about $77 per year here in Colorado, while it was well over $200 "back there".

They gave me a temporary paper tag in a nice holder until the other plates get mailed from Denver. It should take about 3 weeks to get them.

And I sent the paperwork to Denver to get my callsign plates for the Jeep. Those have to be "approved" before they get made, so they'll take about 8 weeks to get.

And it's crazy windy here again. We're having sustained winds of 40~45 MPH with "gusts" of 65+MPH.

The big double gate blew open again, this time ripping the latch clean out of the 4x4 post. I'm getting REALLY tired of fixing this damn thing every single time the winds get up over 40MPH.

I'm gonna nail the GD thing shut with some 2x4 bracing. Maybe I was nuts to get a 14' wide double gate put in there that MIGHT get used once every few years.

Whatever.....it needs to be repaired AGAIN after the wind dies down.

This is really making me rethink the antenna tower plans........

And the wind just blew over the 5' tripod with the Davis weather station on it AND my 8' satellite antenna tower, which landed in the yard with a pretty big THUD.

And three complete panels of fence just blew down in my neighbors yard! Ripped all three panels clean off the posts, and THUMP! they went down in his yard. I'll help him get them back up after the wind dies down. Three 8' sections of fence is a little too much 'sail area' to be fighting with in 50MPH winds....yep, FIFTY MPH sustained winds.

It's almost hard to walk out there. I'd hate to be on I-80 up by Cheyenne. Probably blow a big rig all over the road.


  1. Glad it went well for you. The lines in Weld County are way longer.

    1. I've had to go there three times now, and every time has been very low stress. The staff is friendly and helpful, and the wait times for walk-ins are 10~30 minutes.

  2. You got 5 years for the price of two? Outstanding!

    1. Yup, and I don't have to smog it for 5 years!

      I had to sign an affidavit signifying I'll only drive it up to 4500 miles per year, but that won't be a problem.

      I'm in the garage right now swapping out all the OEM air ducting from the Air/Fuel Meter to the Throttle Body.

      Easy 10 HP!

  3. Yes, I had the same experience registering ALL of my vehicles outside of California. It's interesting going into a DMV where people are (a) polite and (b) speak English.

    1. Same with 95% of the customers waiting to be served....

  4. Regarding your gate, consider sinking a pipe on each side of the latch with the top at ground level. Install a smaller diameter pipe inside extending to near the top of the gate. Secure that pipe loosely with U-bolts. Drill a hole in the pipe below the top U-bolt that will accept a pin. When you want the gate open, lift the pipe and hold it out of the way with the pin. The extra bracing may keep the wind from damaging the gates.

    1. Yep, like I've seen in various parking structures I've been in.

      After the last time, we had two more "drop the pin in the ground" devices, and upgraded the original ones to the largest diameter rod they had. We now have four of them, two on each gate, and it still gets battered. I agree - When you watch the wind buffet the gate, most of the movement occurs at the top (DUH!) because it's not supported there.

      Your suggestion would kill it with a brick!

  5. I'd call the dude who installed the gate and ahve him fix it so it is done right.

    1. That's part of the problem. I asked for "Industrial Strength" stuff and didn't get what I'd expected, but it seemed "good enough" at the time.

  6. Congratulations on getting out of California.

    1. Thanks, phlegmmy!

      It was an epic adventure "decluttering" the house, getting the yard and insides all prettied up, then listing it.

      Then selling, closing (the buyers were sloooow!), moving, searching, buying, closing, unpacking, etc, etc, etc....

      But it sure was worth it!


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