Monday, April 30, 2018

Jay Leno's Merlin 1650-1 Demonstration Engine

You gotta see this in full-screen.



  1. What a national treasurer Jay Leno and his works are.

    1. He gives a lot back to the Kar Kulture in SoCal, too. He does a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that most people never hear about.

  2. And yet our contemporaries continue to blather on about how much smarter, more clever, and more inventive we moderns are.

    1. Aye, that they do!

      Every time I was on the Iowa I looked at how the ship was built. Yes, it was designed in the 1930's and built using traditional methods and almost all hand labor. Quite "ancient" by today's modern digital microchip high tech standards.

      But the workmanship is superb! True pride of craftsmanship, displayed and demonstrated under stressful conditions.

      I don't remember if it was Rolls or Royce who said "Whatever is done rightly, however humble, is noble".

      That's something most people seem to have forgotten....

  3. Replies
    1. It's way beyond cool!

      The last time my wife and I were at the Chino airshow, we saw a Merlin on a trailer. It was a joyous thing to see it fire up and run!

  4. He's good folks, and yes, a LOT of help to the car clubs and other organizations in SOCAL.


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