Sunday, April 29, 2018

Spring Blooms

I am NOT a "Nature Photographer" by any means. I tend to be more of a "Technical Photographer" who tries to record things mechanical and electrical for posterity and/or understanding.'s what's been happening the last couple of days. I can't believe how fast these various trees and plants exploded in the last few days.

Here's our crab apple tree in the backyard.

It's prettier than this, depending on how the light hits it.

"My" maple tree in the front yard is doing well. It was just dying down from it's fall colors when we first looked at the house, so my wife never got to see a maple in full regalia.

We still don't know what these are. Guess we'll find out when they bloom.

And the same goes with these by the side of the garage.

I thought these were weeds, and then they surprised my yesterday with flowers!

And even the little 'rogue' pine tree is getting into the act with little future pine cones appearing.

All over the neighborhood things are blooming and growing like crazy. We're supposed to get some rain about mid-week, so things will really get going.

My wife is really enjoying spring here. She'll probably be breathless when fall hits, and everything turns.


  1. It seems as though you're thriving away from Long Beach!

    1. The area agrees with us, LL. I'm done to 190 now, and you can see Pebbles' ribs, and the Vet said she's at her ideal weight.

  2. Tulips ,iris, then phlox and then the pine tree

    1. My wife mentioned right after I posted this that the first ones were tulips. They didn't have enough shape to them before to figure out what they were.

      We thought maybe the ones by the garage were Iris, but we didn't know.

      And I've heard of phlox many times, but never 'owned' any!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! Maybe you can get up here some time....

  4. When my sister was little, she called this, "green grass time".

  5. I agree with matt’ except for the blue flowered one which looks like vinca minor to me.
    Lovely yard you have,

    1. Thanks, Brig

      It'll be nicer by the end of the year when we finally get things weeded out and cleaned up.

      I'll go look up vinca minor and see what it is. I have a feeling from how "viney" it is that it might be like ivy, and I hate that stuff!

    2. Cool. One more "mystery" crossed off the list.


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