Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Scratch One House Offer......

Inspection report came in, and other than the roof and tree, it has a bunch of little piddly shit that's freaking my wife out.

Things like typical "Home Owner Grade" repairs to the plumbing (flex-type drain hoses in the bathroom sinks, etc), and other "advisories" in the report that are intended to cajole the new owner to bring the property up to the 2017 building code when it was built to code in 1977.

I told her to call the realtor in the morning and kill the deal.

I'm absolutely NOT going to put up with her bitching, moaning, fretting and whining about $2k worth of minor repairs.

Aint worth it AT ALL.

Good night, all....gotta take the dog for her 2230 walk.


  1. I hope the call to the realtor causes the couple to cave and pay for fixing all the things you need fixing in order to potentially move on, or cut out that much out of an offer so you can all get the work done for yourselves.

    Sounds like a wonderful house, with lots of potential, and lots of 'quirks,' that the owners were trying to foist off on an unsuspecting buyer.

    Do the powerplay. Act the Gangster. Flash some 'Benjamins' under their noses and 'make them an offer they can't refuse (like they fix their mistakes.)

    It would be a shame to lose such a great potential for such a crappy reason.

    Hang in there. Stay sane-ish, no matter what y'all do.

    1. Our agent is currently earning her commission negotiating the removal of the tree and a new roof. We'll let the other issues slide, but if we don't the tree and the roof, WE WALK!

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, but sometimes figuring out what makes them happy and implementing it can be a gruesome process, LL.....

    2. Understand fully, WSF....sometimes I wonder....

  3. Rather than cancel the deal, you should tell your realtor to RAISE the asking price by $2K to compensate the wife for her angst caused by this nit picker. Tell those jerks to take it or leave it.

    You'll feel a lot better either way; they will stomp off in a huff (woo hoo!), or if they really want the place, they'll pony up the punitive amount at eat some crow simultaneously.

  4. Yep, good advice from those above.

    1. Iagree, Rev, but sometimes it makes my head hurt watching my wife flip-flop 180* in under a nanosecond.....

  5. Replies
    1. Yep. The seller's are real estate people, and from the way the property "disclosure" was written, it now becomes evident they were hiding a few things, or at least playing dumb about them.

  6. You undoubtedly made the right decision. Better luck with the nect one you find.
    God bless.

    1. This one's not dead yet, Linda. My wife wants the house, but not if we have to cough up $10k for a roof, and $3k for the tree removal.

      That leaves her/us no money to replace all the furnishings she THREW AWAY when we moved because they were "too expensive to move".

      I think she just wanted new stuff.....

  7. Hang in there, the right one IS out there!

    1. Yup....if not this one, the other two candidates we loved are still on the market, and their prices have dropped.

      It's a buyer's market here this time of year.

  8. Hope this all works out. At least you are out of Kalif.

    1. Thanks, Brig.

      Yes, even if we hit some snags and bumps along the way, we're OUTTA KOMMIEFORNIA!!!!

  9. Sorry to hear that, but at least
    > Aint worth it AT ALL.
    you are a wise man.

    Heh. The other day Pretty Korean Girl said, "I want your advice because you are a wise guy," with a winsomely earnest expression. It's a toss up between problems with idiomatic English and mockery. Ah, I'm probably being mocked, but sometimes you just don't care. :-)

    1. One of my best friends back in SoCal is Korean. His wife and daughter are take-your-breath-away beautiful, and also wonderful people.

      Years ago before I remarried, his wife and daughter kept trying to fix me up with said daughter's piano teacher.

      I finally met the piano teacher a year or two later and started kicking myself for not going on the blind date with my buddy, his wife, and the piano teacher......

      Oh, well......


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