Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Escrow Closes 31 Oct

Yay......escrow is closing a week early. Wife is busy setting up utilities, trash, etc, and I'll be looking into High-Speed Internet providers later today.

Going into to town for a brunch, and then to see the new "Blade Runner" movie.

Back later......


  1. Good news! You might not realize it, but there is happiness in your posts now.
    So Glad you are out of Cali and on to new adventures.

  2. The next round of OMFG is coming now, the unpacking. Good news though,it's almost over for good. Congrats my man.

    1. Yeah, it's going to take me a few months to find everything, get it sorted out, and back in service....

  3. On Halloween, the Day-of-the-Dead? I hope it's not auspicious.

    Let me know how you like Blade Runner.

    1. We drove by the house this evening on the way home from the movie so my spatially-challenged wife could determine if there was enough room to place the 6 "U-Boxes". We can easily place two in the side yard, two in the driveway, and two in the front yard.

      The movie was stunning, the best one I've seen this year. It was a fine continuation of the story and captured the look-and-feel of the original.

      And it didn't seem like it was 243 minutes long.

  4. Congratulations drjim! How soon till you have an antenna up? I hope to have something up by the 10 Meter contest in December as I will be retired by then, living at my new QTH.

    1. I should have my BuddiPole/BuddiStick and K2 on the air a day or so after the U-Boxes are delivered and emptied. It's very high on the "TO-DO" list.

      Tower and Yagi/Hexbeam will have to wait for spring. I still have to figure out how to run the cables into the basement, across the ceiling, and into the Radio Room. I might get some small cable tray from Talley or Tessco....

  5. "Everything comes to he who waits." Hope it closes with no last minute glitches.

    1. Thanks, Harry. We're trying to get the tree guy and fence guy scheduled for the first weekend in November, weather permitting.

  6. What they've all said - this is a GOOD thing!

    1. Finally we see some light at the end of the tunnel!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks!

      We'll have TWO guest rooms available, so if you ever get up this way I expect to see you!

  8. Soon you won't be transients. That well feel good.

    1. I'll miss living up here, but you're right, getting in to the house will be very nice.

      I think the dog is planning on writing a book called "My Month In The Country" about her adventures meeting strange new animals!


Keep it civil, please....

Interesting Flight Path

 Couldn't determine which aircraft flew this, but it caught my eye...