Thursday, September 7, 2017

Junk/Spam Comments On Old Posts

Am I the only one this happens to?

I keep getting obviously junk comments on posts that are several years old.

Blogger usually catches it, as it goes to the email I used when I first started the blog.

Others are equally obviously spam, as there's always a punch line at the end, but the ones that say things like "WOW! Great Blog!" or something similar that look to be machine generated are anooying, but look harmless.

Oh, well...they go in the spam bucket, which gets checked and empty every so often.

Down to less than two weeks now. Hope the crazy little Fat Bastard with the bad haircut doesn't start anything until we're out of here!

And yes, I keep a complete HF radio and power supply in a sealed up steel box, "Just In Case"......


  1. I got those occasionally but I also got an Email alert for all comments also and just deleted them from there.

    Spammers need a rusty fork jammed into their nether regions repeatedly.

  2. Yep. I get them too, once in a while. Usually tells me they are thrilled with the wonderful information on my blog and my writing is superb and please check out their website, etc. I just dump them and consider myself lucky that none of my kids are living in Mom's basement like those spammers likely are. :)

    1. That's almost exactly what I'm getting, Vicki.

  3. I also moderate comments on any post more than 3 days old, and get e-mail notifications of all comments, too. Easy enough to identify, mark, and delete the spam from there.

    1. I get email on all comments, too.

      The default was moderation after 14 days, and I just changed it to 7 days.

  4. If my post were as good as 'Anonymous' claims the publishing houses would be bombarding me with offers. Mark as spam-delete, repeat as necessary.

    1. yuk-yuk!

      Yeah, I look at them, see they're "junk mail", and dump them.

  5. I have things configured on Blogger so that comments on posts older than (I think) 2 weeks go to moderation.

    But I had so many spam comments that I had to restrict commenting to only registered users.

    1. I just checked my settings, and changed it to moderation after 7 days.

      I'm open to all commenters, as I know a few people who comment as anonymous because they don't have a blogger or Goolag account.

  6. I do the same thing as Borepatch. After a couple of weeks, it goes to moderation. My spam problems are minimal. Likely because my blog isn't all that interesting.

    1. I don't have enough readers or comments to restrict it, so I'll go with what I have.

      I was just curious if other people were seeing it on very (1 year+) old posts.

  7. I still have comments enabled for anyone, but have to approve comments to posts over 14 days old. That said, the true span is almost entirely to the old posts because nobody comments on old posts. Well, one exception: I did two posts on being ripped off by Sinclair Design (remember their credit card knives?), and I still get comments to those two - mostly the first post. I just approve those comments.

    1. The only "valid" comments I've received on old posts were from people who still comment on older things I wrote about the Iowa.

      All the others were junk, exactly like Vicki gets.

  8. There are blogs I follow(ed) that are never updated any more. I see ocassional spam comments on those; and sometimes on current posts. But blogger does do a good job of catching most of them.

    A safe trip to you all when you go. God bless.

  9. Typical spam. seldom on a current post.


Keep it civil, please....

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