Friday, September 22, 2017

Final Leg of Journey Today

Looks like I-70 Eastbound is open again. Woke up early (for me) when the dog started making a ruckus to go potty, which she FINALLY did today.

This trip has been hard on her, as she's never been in the car for more than 20~30 minutes before.

Time to take a shower, get packed up here, fuel the Jeep, grab a BIG travel coffee, and head out towards Fort Collins.

The Kids don't really have any Internet service at their place in Bellvue, so I'll be using one of my wireless 4G hotspots, *IF* I can get a connection.

If I can't get a connection, posting might be pretty spotty for the next month until we get settled in whatever house we buy.

Talk at y'all later today.......


  1. Enjoy the state flowers. They are orange, are everywhere, and grow best on asphalt.

    1. Orange and white, and yep, they seem to prefer asphalt....

  2. Glad to hear the road's open. Just stay safe, and arrive with all in one piece. Oh - and good luck getting back on the Cortex.

    1. It was kinda-sorta ope; down to one lane.

      Took 45+ minutes to get through East Vail, and that's normally a "don't blink or you'll miss it" drive!

  3. You are probably there by now. I hope the rest of the trip was a safe one.
    God bless!

    1. Yep, got here last night.

      My wife arrived Wednesday night, and called me when we were in Grand Junction. She's happy with the little apartment, as it's about 3 times bigger than she remembered.

  4. I'm happy that you have everything under control.

    1. Except for getting critically low on fuel once (A/C off, coast down the slopes, drop speed to 55) we made it here without incident.

      The trailer towed beautifully, but man, did we burn through the fuel driving through the mountains. My Hemi was pulling 4500~5000 RPM at times to maintain speed, but other than that, we had zero problems.


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