Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Light Posting Ahead

We're headed out to Fort Collins Wednesday morning.

Planning on having a "mini private wedding reception" for my step-son and his (fairly) new wife. They had invited us out for a "real" reception, but things went sideways due to some, uh...."family issues", so it will just be the four of us.

They got moved into one of the houses her family owns because her brother and his wife closed on a home of their own, so we'll get to see their new place.

It's about half the distance to where they both work from their old place, so that's better for them in winter. We drove by it last time we were out there, and it looks pretty nice.

And it has a ton of unused storage room in some nice, dry, heated outbuildings, so it's a possible site to stage some of our stuff before we move next year.

And I've got 5 or 6 places I want to drive by and look at with the wife so she can look at the neighborhoods. As we found out last time, real estate pix posted on the websites can be quite "creative" in cropping out the neighbor's house with seven cars up on blocks, or the pig farm next door, or the trailer park across the street, or.....well, just about anything they don't feel would enhance their chance of selling the place.

Let's just hope things hold together for the next 12 months or so, so we can escape from The People's Demokratik Republik of Kommieforniastan!


  1. We're in the same boat, my friend. Have a great vacation.

    1. I'm praying that we BOTH get out of Kommiefornia before THSHTF!

  2. Better luck with the home search this time 'round. Enjoy!

    1. We're hooking up with the realtor tomorrow afternoon.

      The daughter-in-law's parents have a couple they want to tell us about before they go on the MLS.

  3. that sounds like a good "get away" and maybe it will have positive material results as well. I envy you the flexibility to just up and go. My wife is up having a gala time with my kids, but I can't leave this place for a day, let alone for several weeks.

    I hope it all works out well.

    1. My son and one of my wife's friends are alternating staying at the house to keep tabs on things and keep the dog company.

      Last year when we went to Hawaii, the dog got so upset at being in a (very nice, mind you!) kennel that we had to have her picked up and taken home.

      My wife's retired friend came down to stay with the mutt, and she's back doing the same this time.

  4. On our last me we went through the same experience with "cropping" and it was a nightmare. Most of the "dumps" er homes, we didn't get out of the car since the location was beyond questionable.

    1. Yeah, last time we were her we took a full day to go look at the ten or so properties I had bookmarked.

      4 were a joke, 2 were "iffy", 2 were in the city (it's a nice city, but we want something more rural), and the last 2 were knock-outs.

      One of those two sold in a week, and the other one was pulled from the market. The one that they pulled the listing on was just killer; nice house, huge lot, big three car garage/workshop, very well maintained, and right at our "sweet spot" for price.

      We found out that they pulled it because their new place wasn't going to be ready for another 6~8 months due to construction delays on it.

      It *might* be going back on the market right about the time we'll be ready to buy, and the realtor knows we had extremely high interest in it, so we're keeping our fingers crossed on that one!

  5. My youngest and his wife had a good experience with Zillow.

    1. We're using Zip Realty and Zillow, along with a local realtor who's a long-time friend of our new in-laws.

      The daughter-in-law's father owns a high-end construction company that does custom houses, and he knows the area and properties very well. He's already steered us away from a couple of areas we were interested in due to one being in the Cache Le Poudre flood plain, and the other having weird zoning issues with the city and county.

      Always good to know a local who understands the area!

  6. Good luck and Godspeed on the travels and home search...and any escape from CA before the wheels totally fall off is highly recommended. (Lots of cheap houses here in New Orleans...just sayin'.)

    1. NOLA might be a nice area, but my wife wouldn't touch the food!

      She has an aversion to ANY "spicy" food.....


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