Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Few Pix from The Kid's House

Had a very relaxing day out boating on the Horsetooth Reservoir. Our daughter-in-law's father has a small boat that we've been out on once before, two years ago when we first came out here. It's a very pleasant day, and we usually motor out to one of the many coves, and pull in close to the shore, tie up to a tree, and have a nice picnic lunch.

While we were there, a group of people came in towing a large SeaDoo with some kind of large pipe coming out of the side. Turns out it's to power one of those watet-jet "FlyBoard" things, and once they got it assembled, the guy and his girlfriend took turns putting on a show for everybody moored in the cove.

I didn't get any pix because I was floating on a REALLY BIG inner tube, but everybody else did, and as soon as they email me the pix, I'll post them here.

Here's a pic of the garage/shop at the kid's place:

And here's the view to the North:

To the East:

And a bad, blurry pic of some barbed wire for wirecutter:

My wife has (finally!) received all her documents from the people handling her retirement pension, and she's mulling over her options for staying to the end of the school year next June, or possibly leaving earlier, about the beginning of 2017. This would give us plenty of time to get everything in order, get the house all squared away and on the market, and get a good chunk of our stuff "podded" and shipped ahead of us. Our in laws have offered us storage space to keep things, and have even offered to let us stay with them until a house out here closes, and we take possession.

So, we're laying the foundation for our move, and really looking forward to it.


  1. With relatives in Colorado, they can work with local realtor's while you are stuck on the west coast.
    If something pops up, they can give it a good look over.

    1. Yeah, they're going to do that for us.

      The agent we met also understands that we're SERIOUSLY looking, we WILL be moving there, and will look at properties we find for us.

      When we told here we'd be all cash buyers at $300k, she smiled and said "That changes a LOT of things"!

  2. My youngest graduates from high school next May, and I will likely be up for that. Perhaps we could grab a coffee. EX

    1. Not sure if we'll be out there by then, Ex....


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