Tuesday, August 4, 2015


This is amazing!


  1. I think that you need to try this and video it...Long Beach harbor would work. Rip around those oil islands and then down to the Queen Mary. I would only suggest that you not do it naked to try and up Robbie Maddison.

  2. I'm not that good of a bike rider....

    And I don't see much flotation on that thing, either.

    If he stops, he's going DOWN!

  3. Aw heck I could do that on the KTM....not! Buit it HAS to bee a two-stroke, a four-stroke doesn't have the power over the weight.
    Saw a clip of that on the TV. The wave that was chasing him was also helping to keep him up, due to the acceleration of water going UP the face of the wave.
    A paddle tire really can't provide that much power in water, and you can't really turn "carve" a turn like on a dirt -- or on water like with a much bigger surfboard.
    Try turning much and you knife-in. I can't carve a turn on a board myself, I just bounce it off the rocks and break the fin...
    He said was also a near death experience.

  4. Wow, that is different... and agree with both of the above!


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