Saturday, August 15, 2015

70 Years Ago Today......

The Empire of Japan announced their surrender.

Due to the time differences, it was heard in the U.S. on August 14th, which was yesterday.

In commemoration, we had a memorial on the Iowa Friday at 1400 local time.

An old Army vet played the most perfect rendition of "Taps" I've ever heard live, and there wasn't a dry eye to be found.

Let us all remember that day so long ago, and the courage and sacrifice that led us to it.

The USS Iowa Veteran's Association has been aboard all week, and meeting these guys was quite an honor.

I met some who served on her during WWII, and some of the guys who were the very last on her; literally the guys that sailed her into the mothball fleet.

We greeted them all with "Welcome home", and they loved it.

We also learned a tremendous amount from them about how the ship has changed over the years, and the younger guys were an absolute wealth of information about the ship's current configuration.

And we thanked them all for their service.


  1. Way too cool. Sounds like lots of great post fodder. And thanks for what you're doing to keep Iowa going.

  2. They were all great people, and we pretty much let them have access to anywhere they wanted to go.

    I wasn't involved very much with the events they held, as they were mostly after hours, and by invitation, but just meeting some of them was great.

    No thanks are's an honor and a privilege to help take care of her.

  3. I've never been aboard the Iowa, but I was on the New Jersey off Lebanon in 1983. Not as crew, but as a Sixth Fleet staff officer, just going to briefings. I still have a brass "multinational peacekeeping force" ashtray I bought in the New Jersey's ship store.

    I visited the North Carolina in Wilmington several times when I was stationed at Lejeune. It's good to go on the old ships. My dad served in the Navy in WW2, kind of a link with him.

    1. Thank you for your service.

      My Dad never knew he was color-blind until he and his brothers went to the recruiters on December 8th, 1941.

      One brother was too old, and turned down.

      One brother worked for the railroad, and was told to go home as he had a critical job.

      One brother joined the Marines.

      One brother joined the Army.

      My Dad tried to join the Navy, and found out they wouldn't take him.

      BUT...since he was a machinist, they told him about a new outfit starting up that needed guys like him, and sent him down to see the people at the Naval Construction Battalion.

      Dad wound up in the SeaBees going all over the South Pacific building Quonset Huts and airstrips, and repairing anything that needed fixing.

      I'm sure he saw the Iowa out there, as he told me stories of "The big ships opening fire", and how it roared like thunder and lit up the sky.


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