Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Battleship USS Iowa Fly Over Flight

Something to amuse my readers while I ponder what to post next....

OH, I know....my "Mini Tour" of the USS Halsey, DDG-97!

I'll try and get that up later.

In the meantime, enjoy!

These guys are from the Chino, CA "Planes of Fame" air museum, a place I've visited many times.


  1. Too cool indeed. Close-ups of the BB would have cinched it, though.

  2. Yeah, this was a real "quickie" from a link a friend sent, and I didn't realize it was all about the planes!

    Sorry about that. I'll screen my posts better in the future.....


Keep it civil, please....

What I've Been Up To....

Started this post on Monday, then came down with a head cold, which is now progressing South. Feeling better, but still a bit woozy...... To...