Monday, September 23, 2013

Voter ID

From a friend of mine.

Of course, if you bring this up to a libtard, you'll either get a deer-in-the-headlights blank stare, or "OH....THAT'S DIFFERENT!", which I actually had one of them say to me once when I had them nailed down, and *this close* to admitting they were WRONG!



  1. "Maybe it's because one political party is dependant on voter fraud."

    Yes. That.

  2. Each time you vote, it's marked on the back of the card. After about ten votes, you must apply for a new card (new photo taken by the government, not provided by applicant), new fingerprint, etc.

  3. My local polling place is the "all purpose room" of an elementary school, and so, concerned as they are for the safety of the children, when I entered the school to cast my ballot in the primary election 2 weeks ago, the rent-a-cop who was standing at the front door asked me to show a photo ID (which I did).

  4. Say YES to voter ID. This is one of the only ways we will get control of the country back.

  5. Ah yes, CAN'T hold them up as an example, not their voter requirements, immigration requirements or anything else... Doesn't fit the 'agenda', dontcha know...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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