Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bill Whittle: "The Lynching"

Amazingly to the point, and on target!

....especially the last few seconds.......


  1. The problem is that people and crimes are now judged by the opinions thrown out by the media, instead of the truth. The truth is that in todays USA. Whites are the ones that are discriminated against when getting funds for business, schools, job positions etc... It is time that blacks get jobs and start producing something besides more black babies and stop playing the race card. Where is the media against the black boys that shot and killed a baby in its stroller while trying to rob his mother???


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fisher Saga</i> Continues - Act III -

 Been working on this post since right after Thanksgiving. I'm making very good progress on the Fisher, and will most likely power it up...