Sunday, May 12, 2013

I'm in the hospital.....

Had a heart attack Friday night. Getting an angiogram and stent or two todoay.blogger on the hone sucks.


  1. drjim, hang in there! and get well soon!!

  2. WOW. Please take care of yourself. I'm sure that your wife is spooning in some Chicken soup today -- but good wishes for a speedy recovery. You don't want "every blade of grass" overhead.

  3. Ah, man, sorry. Been there done that. Two stents. My prays are with you. You'll be on your feet within the week. If those doc's have any doubts or problems, have 'em call me and I'll set 'em straight.

  4. Take care and get well soon.

  5. Thanks everybody.
    Just had another ekg and blood draw. I'm starting to feel like a pln cushion.
    Not sure what time the proceedure is.
    Dear wife just arrived.

  6. Oh NO! I'm sorry to hear that you are ill. Special prayers being said and healing vibes coming your way.~~~~~~~~~~

  7. We be praying for you here in the land of enchantment. Get well soon.
    we enjoy ur blog.

  8. I'm sorry, Jim; was just there in February. While the surgery & stents are mostly painless, the recovery will be greatly minimized by doing exactly what the docs tell you.

    Prayers headed your way, sir.

  9. You will be in my prayers. Please rest, do what the doc and the wife says (and not necessarily in that order) and get well soon.

    Big hug
    Brigid and Barkley

  10. drjim,

    Will be praying for you.


  11. The doctor was just here, and i'll be headed to surgery in a few...

  12. Holy cow, bro'! Hope things go well. Serious stuff there.

  13. Best of luck! You are looking at a lengthy recovery with a ton of lifestyle changes in store.

    Just remember the old saying, one day at a time.....

  14. Wow guy! We don't like those kind of surprises!

    Get well soon, ok? And shout out if you need anything.

  15. That it does. Thoughts and prayers!


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