Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Nest Is Almost Empty Today......

The stepson and his girlfriend will be moving to the Fort Collins area at the end of the month, and her Dad (a really cool guy) got down here Saturday morning to load up her car and most of her stuff to haul back later today.

"The Kids" have been working pretty non-stop all week sorting things out, packing stuff up, and help her Dad load the truck. They made a really big dent over the weekend, and I'm astounded how much stuff they got loaded.

Her entire car is floor-to-ceiling with her belongings, and loaded on the flatbed he towed down here.

The box of his crew cab dually is completely packed, up to about 6 feet! He had plenty of tarps and tie downs, but I gave him a 4-pack of ratcheting cargo straps "just in case".

So, now that we're back from dinner, the hands have been shaken, the hugs exchanged, and we waved them off on their way to Fort Collins.

They're going to overnight in Las Vegas, and then finish the trip Monday.

She'll be coming back out here in two weeks to be Maid of Honor at her best friend's wedding, and then she and stepson will load up the rest of her/his/their stuff, and motor on out of Kaliforniastan.

I wish them well, but DAMN....they're taking BOTH dogs with them.

Looks like we'll have to start the puppy search again.....


  1. Gonna be a big change for sure!

  2. That's a HUGE change. I feel for ya, pal.

  3. Freedom, space, dog! Lots of new dog posts and pics! Heck, if you've got postage, a German Shepherd might just be on his way to you right now.

  4. Yeah, having four people and ONE bathroom resulted in some interesting scheduling, so that part will be nice.

    Thanks, Murph, but I think we'll get the dogs locally!

  5. Oh boy, puppy training... LOL But peace and quiet??? WELL worth it!!!

  6. I can handle the puppy training, *especially* if I pull the plug and retire this summer (Oh boy...only FOUR months!) as I'll have the time.

    The 'peace and quiet' will be really nice, as my stepson likes rap music.......OUCH, MY EARS!

    And I've already got about half "my" garage back, so I should be (finally!) able to set up my reloading press, and have access to my toolboxes and machine tools again!


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