Sunday, May 26, 2013

Blog Tinkering, Part Deux....

At the request of a very good friend, I've bumped up the font size to 16, and changed to color to black.

I'm completely open for ideas as to color and size, as *my* eyes aren't all that good anymore, either.

Frankly, I'm surprised I can hit the target at 100 yards with the iron sights on my Marlin 336 or 1894, let alone get it in the black better than 90% of the time!

Guess I had some pretty good teachers, and the lessons stuck.

And for those that have asked, I'm feeling better, haven't had a cigarette since May 10th, and my caffeine intake is about 5% of what it used to be.

And I have the gouges in the Radio Room walls from trying to climb them to prove it.......

The hives have disappeared, thanks to a medication/dosage change, but I still get the "itchies" from time to time.


  1. The font doesn't work for me. Just my input.

    I hope you're feeling better and the hive issue goes away for good :)

  2. The black print on white is much easier to read, the page split causes me to use the slider to see the last 8 spaces to the right. Is the middle blank column needed?

  3. I shrunk your page back to its previous size, and it looks good to me.

    Beyond that, good on ya for sticking to the caffeine reduction - it's not easy.

  4. This text works better for me - not the color so much as the font itself. Something about the old font didn't work right on my widescreen monitors. Letters looked like some sort of 60s/70s blobby letter font here on my Dell, but it rendered well on my Fire HD.

    FWIW. Having done the same thing myself recently, I know it's hard to get everyone to accept things.

  5. It's definitely easier to read for this fat boy!


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