Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nothing Much Happened Today.....

Well, at least not in my own little world!
Pulled a bunch of data files off an ancient laptop running Windows95 ( ! ) at work so we could save some configuration files we need for a piece of equipment. I wound up pulling the hard-disk out, and using a USB adapter to grab the files. It beats fighting with Win95's somewhat spotty USB support for external devices.
*Finally* cleaned my pistol from the Sunday class. I know, I know....I should have cleaned it Sunday night. I gave it a wipedown with a Birchwood-Casey "Barricade" cloth...kinda like the Wet-Nap cloths you get from KFC, but didn't do the "Field-Strip-and-Clean" until tonight. I was shooting Fiocchi 230gr FMJ, and man, is that stuff DIRTY. It makes good "practice" ammo, as besides being cheap, you get a lot of "practice" clearing malfunctions! Out of the 200some rounds we fired, I had 5 or 6 stovepipes, one failure-to-feed, and one double-feed, so besides doing the drills the instructor was calling out, I was doing the "Tap-Rack-Flip-Drop-The-Mag-And-Replace-It" dance. It was interesting seeing the newer students freaking out when they had malfunctions, and the instructors running around yelling "RACK IT, RACK IT!" and "DROP THE MAG! DROP THE MAG!". Some of them got kind of rattled, and some of them did exactly as told. One of the drills in the TAC-I class I'll be taking next month is how to clear your pistol of Type 1 and Type 2 malfunctions, and it'll be interesting to see if I've improved from the first time I took the class, when I was all thumbs! Hey, we ALL start somewhere, and I'm no exception. I got a compliment from one of the instructors about how smoothly I cleared the pistol and got back into the "fight", so I guess I learned something from the previous classes. At least I don't get shook up, forget what to do, and then freeze. Having a non-functional firearm, at the time you most need it, would NOT be a good thing....

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