Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Preparing for "The Last Ride To The Vet".......

 Little Miss Pebbles is getting close to her time. She's been off her feed, coughing/hacking, and her breathing has been raspy the last week. We had her in about three weeks ago, and they gave her a shot of Prednisolone, the same steroid I had in the hospital, and sent her home with some Prednisone, also what I came home from the hospital with. It worked fine, and her breathing was much better, and she was very playful, like normal.

Then late last week, she started being lethargic, watery eyes, and coughing/hacking (Think "ACCCK!", like Bill the Cat), and a bit more "needy" (wants pets and hugs while licking me)than she usually is. So we took her in today, and the consensus was "Soon". If the meds she's getting now don't help her, then we're left with no choice but to take that last, sad Ride To The Vet, and a very lonely return trip.

SLW and I are both distraught over this, but it's part of life. Pebbles is the first dog I ever bonded with to this extent, and it's going to be pretty tough saying goodbye.

OldAFSarge lost his cats a while back, and I deeply sympathize with him.

I'll keep you all posted.


  1. Dammit, that sucks. Been there, suffered through it. Bonded with a dog now, hopefully he'll live a long time.

    My heart's out to you two.

  2. Well Shucky Darn. She is a sweet dog. Condolences to you and SLW.

  3. Well, this SUCKS bigtime. Hugs to everyone involved. She knows that she is love & very well cared for.

  4. Damsel and I went through that a couple of years ago when we lost Beethoven. We're praying for you and SLW . . . and Pebbles.

  5. Terribly sorry to hear that. Been through it regularly, sometimes after long lives together, sometimes shorter. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.

  6. Thanks, everybody. The pills seem to be working. Her cough and hacking are better, and she's got more energy. She's still having some difficulty breathing, more like easy panting than breathing, but we have our fingers crossed. SLW is going to Missouri in two weeks to meet her Great Grandson, so it might be up to me if she gets really bad.

    It's very sad, but we don't want her to suffer. The Vet said she doesn't appear to be in any pain, but she's obviously in some discomfort.

  7. So sorry to hear that, and yes, very hard decision, but I know y'all will do what is right for Pebbles.

    1. We will, NFO, but it doesn't make it any easier. She's doing much better tonight, now that we figured out how to get the meds into her.

      A jerky treat wrapped around the pill does the trick.


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