Wednesday, March 20, 2024

One Year Ago Today.....

 I fell in the garage and broke my hip, beginning a year of hospital visits, tests, and other procedures.

And the speakers I had just started building? Sloooowly nearing completion. They would have been finished by now, but I missed on two holes used to mount the speaker grill, so now I have to plug, sand, and re-drill them.

This one came out just fine.

It looks a bit off, but it's mounted into a rubber mount, and I didn't push it down all the way. I still have to do the final fitment, apply glue, let it cure, and then SLW is going to help me cover them with speaker grill cloth.

So the odd one is plugged...

Then trimmed, sanded, and filled. Ill sand it tomorrow so the filler has plenty of time to cure.

Since it's going to be in the 60's this week, and clear, I'll be out in the garage bringing that whole system back on-line.


  1. Your caption gave me an earworm of a song from The Mothers of Invention's (Frank Zappa) first album. Good thing that I really like the song...

  2. Please keep an eye on those drop cord snakes!

    1. They have been banished from the garage! The drop-cord-reel is about ready to go up on the ceiling, but I had to extend the cord where it plugs into the wall.

  3. I'm glad you're able to be up and about. And what WSF said. :)

    1. Thanks, Rev! I had a pretty bumpy ride last year....

  4. A year post op....a good milestone. Sadly a broke hip frequently triggers a decline towards death in many seniors who suffer a fall. Getting active and staying active after a fracture is an important factor in returning to health.

    1. That's what I've been trying to do. I was going great guns about June (a month earlier than the Doctors expected), but then I had the severe reaction to the loss of a prescription med, which knocked me down for a couple of months. Then the TURP procedure, then in January I had a massive dental emergency, which I'm about 90% recovered from.

      So even just trying to stay active the last year was a challenge!

  5. Yay for getting ONE project off the list... ;-)

    1. I've got a bunch of them at the "90% Stage", and have been trying to knock them out.


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