Thursday, October 19, 2023

Some Fall Color!


And as usual, the camera just can't capture how vibrant it looks it the sun. It looks like the squirrels have stripped it of seeds!

The apple tree in the back yard has a bumper crop of little apples, but hasn't turned color yet. The squirrels and birds likewise enjoy the apples, and have been visiting the tree regularly.

And I'm wondering if we're going to have a severe Winter. The squirrels and rabbits seem to be grazing 24/7, and even Miss Swan has started her own midden.

As far as the TURP procedure goes, it went smoothly, no surprises, and nothing unusual was found. All the biopsies came back "Negative". I'm advised to drink LOTS of water for the next few days to help keep things flushed out. I'm only in minor discomfort, and my urine looks like Hawaiian Punch. Next week I'll get the catheter removed in the morning, and then go back in the afternoon for a "voiding" test. Hopefully everything works normally, and I can put this all behind me.


  1. Replies
    1. Yep. The Doctor told SLW that everything went as it should, no complications, etc, etc. And I've gained back seven pounds out of the 20something I lost from the last trip to the hospital.

  2. I hope everything comes out OK next week.

  3. Glad to hear that you're on the mend with a good outlook.

    Love the fall colors. Damsel and I saw some of that in New Mexico today.

    1. The trees are ablaze here with fall colors. Most of the streets here have trees that are mature, and almost arch over the street in places. It's like driving into a "golden tunnel". I forgot how much I missed Fall until we moved here.

  4. The colour of the leaves really pop against that blue sky! How beautiful! I'm happy to hear your results are clear. That's some good news.

    1. Thank you, Jules. It's a good thing I took that picture when I did, as a lot of the leaves have dropped, and the rest still on the tree look pretty sickly! Should be a good "prop" for Halloween!

  5. Good news, and hopefully BETTER news after the next visit!


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