Tuesday, October 17, 2023

20 Meter Vertical Back In Service

 Finished up a few things, and ran the coax from the surge suppressor to my entrance box.

Didn't take any pix because I just wanted to "Get 'Er Done".

It seems to receive a bit quieter, but it's been down for quite a while now, so I really don't have anything to do an "A-B" comparison with.

I'll sweep it with my antenna analyzer later, but my in-line Vector Wattmeter indicates the SWR never gets above 1.33:1 over the entire 20- Meter band.

Gonna have a bite to eat, and hit the rack early so we can get to the hospital by 0530.


  1. Good timing to get back on 20 with the solar cycle peaking. Some nights "back when" during solar peaks, the band was open all night.

    Good thoughts and prayers are still headed your way.

  2. Thanks, Bob. It's 2100 here now, and the band is still alive.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, WSF. Just got home, and things went very well.

  4. Prayers for a smooth day tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, NFO! It went smoother than I expected, and I have only minor discomfort.


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