Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Busy Week!

 Been cleaning and organizing SLW's "side" of the garage, and doing the usual "winterizing" tasks, as we'll have overnight lows in the 20's, so time to roll up the hoses, collect the sprinklers, and put the hats on the outside water spigots. And cut some more wood now that the garage has been gone through, cleaned, sorted, kept/tossed, and boxed up in labeled boxes.

Oh, those speaker kits that were delivered the week I broke my hip seven months ago?

The enclosures are finally ready for coating and final assembly:

I should have had my fan running to blow the dust outside, but......I didn't, and a haze of MDF dust was everywhere:

All over my nice, clean garage, too! Yes, I had a dust mask on, but still shoulda used the fan...

Anywhoo...they're downstairs on the Operating Table so I can install the crossovers, input terminals, glue-and-screw the one side on, and coat them.

The lengths of wire are used to connect everything together inside the enclosure, and the threaded inserts are for the mounting feet.

And since my "Roto-Rooter" procedure is coming up a week from today (had the pre-op this afternoon....), I've rounded up a bunch of little "Bench Projects" to keep me busy while I recuperate. I'll be under a 35 pound weight limit, NO lifting, toting, bending low, squatting and/or working on the floor for four weeks. Glad I have a ton of "little stuff" to keep me busy, or I'd go bonkers in four weeks.....


  1. Other than several days of passing blood my procedure didn't have any noticeable after effects. The good part was the pathology report on the removed tissue showing zero signs of cancer.

    1. That's pretty much what they told me at the pre-op visit.

  2. I had my latest cysto in July without any side effects and no detected anomalies. Praying your procedure goes as well.

    1. I had the cysto some time back, and it came back with NO signs of carcinoma, which gave us both a "sigh of relief".

  3. Sigh... hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20... good luck with the procedure!

    1. TRUTH! I have the garage fan apart right now. The fan blades had seven years of crud on the, making it vibrate, which loosened up all the hardware in it, making get all junky, rattley, and shaking when I ran it. Probably be good for another seven years after I clean it up and assemble it. Hey..why throw it out if it just needs a tune-up!


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...