Sunday, October 15, 2023

"Roto-Rooter" Procedure Tomorrow

 Every one I've talked to said that aside from some discomfort and work restrictions for a few weeks, it's an easy-peasy operation. It has some possibility of causing other problems, but the success rate is something like 90%, complications are rare, and I have high confidence in the team that will do the procedure.

I check in at 0530, surgery is scheduled for 0700, and I'll be staying the night "Just In Case".

I feel strangely apprehensive about this, but I have no idea why.

See you all in a couple of days.


  1. Replies
    1. It's called a TURP, for Transurethral Resection of the Prostate

  2. I'll be saying some prayers for ya buddy.
    I may be having something similar done next year if my doctors can get their heads out of their asses.
    7 blocked arteries in my legs and one for a kidney.
    You would think it would be a no brainer but noooooooo.
    8 months I been messing with these people.
    Best of luck dude!

    1. Thanks, Phil. I was wondering how you were doing after you posted about the arteries and stuff. We oughta sit down and have a beer when this shit's all over!

  3. Prayers for you all and your care team, drjim.

  4. For me the worst part was the overnight stay in the hospital. You are now a pro at that. There is always concern with anything involving the 'magnificent member'.

    1. HaH! Thanks, buddy, you gave me a good chuckle. Actually, the food at Poudre Valley Hospital is very good. You look at the menu, call it in, and they bring it to you. If you're on any dietary restrictions, like I was, they'll work with you over the phone to get you as close to what you wanted as possible. If I get the orange juice *AND* the V8, I'll be over my fluid limit, so decide which!

  5. Prayers for a successful surgery and a quick recovery!

    1. Thank you, sir! Hope your eyes heal up better than you expected!

  6. Prayers heading your way from Texas tonight, DrJim.

  7. Prayers for you and your medical team. May all go well and the outcome be good.

  8. The big risk is infection. Next risk is incontinence either temporary or occasionally long term/permanent. Finally there is also a risk of permanent impotence. It's a surgery that can make life better...but it's not unheard of for it to make life worse. Kind of like back surgery. Something that should be considered a last resort when all other therapies have failed.

    1. The six months I've been wearing a catheter has been quite educational. First we tried different medications, then I had a "Urodynamics" test, which indicated a restricted urethra, requiring surgery.


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