Tuesday, December 20, 2022

BRRRRR! Gird Yor Grid For a Big One, Mac!



Got a serious Arctic Cold Front coming in tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. Temps are expected to peak at 40something, and then start dropping as the front moves in bring snow at approx 1400. Then the front really slams in here, and temps are expected to drop to -15 or so, with winds of 20~30MPH, making the wind chill around -30 or lower.


My heart goes out to those who have to work outside in this, like ranchers, farmers, utility workers and such. I've worked in mind-numbing cold before (-40, Montana, February), but we were sheltered from the wind. My flashlight froze and went out, and my 20 Watt pencil-type soldering iron needed the assistance of a propane torch to get it hot enough to solder with. I can just imagine what it's like to be out in -20 weather with a 35MPH wind blowing.

The basement clean-up is proceeding quite well, and The Little Ones will have much more room-to-roam now. Yes, it's all properly kid-safed, as are the more delicate items I have down there.

Be safe out there, and I'll have a Christmas post or two coming up shortly for all six of my regulars here!


  1. Hopefully, you wont have to venture out too far into the arctic tundra. Keep warm and cozy!

    1. All stocked up on groceries and consumables, and we're planning on staying in all day. The poor dog is going to have to go out in it, but she "countrified" quite nicely!

  2. You all be safe, drjim. God bless.

    1. Thanks as always, Linda. You take care, too.

  3. About 30 years ago I was called out when one of my contract radio stations went off of the air. It was around zero degrees outside with strong winds and snow. Of course the transmitter building used the waste heat from the transmitter (35 KW FM) to keep things bearable inside. Transmitter off = no heat. I get there and try to fire up the electric furnace and of course it was broken too. The bracket that held the air handler blower had broken and the fan was dragging and jammed. Meanwhile I had to keep going out to my truck to warm up my hands enough to be able to work on things. Of course the Station Manager kept calling wanting to know how long until they would be back on the air. I didn't even have a portable heater to plug in to warm my hands. Dang that Murphy character!

    1. OUCH! The only commercial radio work I did was in SoCal. Even up where the repeaters were it was generally pleasant year round. So what had knocked it off the air?

  4. Yep, stay safe, and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. And a Very Merry Christmas back to you! It's about 46* here at 1530 local, but the temps are going to drop about 55 degrees starting in the next couple of hours.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...