Sunday, October 16, 2022

Geez...Lots of Heavy Thoughts Out There Today.....

 I don't mean "heavy" as in sad, ponderous, dreadful thoughts, but rather "heavy" as in "Heavy, man.....Really Heavy" from my yute.

First LL over at Virtual Mirage gave me terrific version of his "worldview", if that word is encompassing enough.

Then the Silicon Greybeard gave me something similar, but different.

LL is more philosophic and theological, while SiG  is a more Hard Science, no BS way of thinking. I kinda blend both, with my own recondite viewpoint mixed in.

They both sense a disturbance in The Force, and give us their version of Where We are, And How We Got Here. I agree with both of them to a very high degree. As I've gotten older, I find myself thinking about this stuff (a lot), but I lack the eloquence to write my thoughts down as well as they do, so I don't. I'm better talking about these things than writing about them. Which is why this media, somewhat similar to a forum, is so appealing to me. We can talk to each other about these thoughts.

Anyway....Me? I refurbished the wheelbarow today:

New wheel and tire from HF. I painted the entire handle with some left over "Bumper and Trim Paint" from the Supra, and sprayed the handle areas with some Rust-Oleum "Bed Liner" paint, as it gives a nice, grippy surface for the handles.

And I cleaned out the fireplace: 

I wound up with a small garbage bag full of nice, clean, fluffy ash, which I sealed away for future use. Why would I save hardwood ashes? Well, they make the best Potassium Hydroxide. Why KOH? It's excellent to use for homemade SOAP. This coming Spring, I'm going to show TLG how soap is made, and anybody else who's interested. Pretty simple, really. And since we have tons of lavender and lilac, we can even scent it. All Organic! Vegan Free! GMO? We Don't Know!

Gotta get ready for the NDA (thanks, SiG!) don'cha know? Might be nice to take a bath with decent soap after a hard day in the fields, or hunting/fishing to sustain yourself and family.

Be safe this week, and Viya con Dios.....


  1. If you're ever interested in a working holiday, you can come to the WWM, and I'll offer you room and board in exchange for relentless toil.

    1. Depends on the toil involved, but I'll keep it in mind!

  2. Being able to make soap may be an important skill in the near future. NOTHING is as important to staying healthy as soap is.

    1. I can fix most things mechanical and electric, do plumbing and wiring, and picking up some additional skills like this costs me next to nothing, and I thought the grandkids might like to watch.

  3. I presume that the soap episode will be published here as well? It sounds interesting.

    1. Absolutely! I'm going to pick up the stuff to make the lye/filter bucket tomorrow. Making the lye water is Step 1. Turns out that rather than using two buckets and constantly pouring the same water back through the ash, you just leave it in the bucket until it's the right strength, then open the tap you installed in the bottom, and drain out your lye water.

  4. Replies
    1. I wonder if LL has the room if all of us take him up on his offer to drjim? Does he have enough toil and trouble to keep this motley crew occupied?

    2. WSF - He needs an antenna installed.....!

    3. CederQ - A man of his talents could easily find enough "work" to keep us busy.....

  5. Progress, however small, is still progress... :-)

    1. Was it Rolls or Royce that said "A job well done, however humble, is noble"?


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

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