Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Meanwhile, Back On The Workbench.....

 Well, it looks like I fixed the transport mechanism, finally. I carefully watched how it worked through my magnifying lamp, and learned a couple of things about how the idler tire (driven by the reel motor I rebuilt) engages the take-up reel for either Fast Forward, or Play/Record. I could see it slipping (?!!?), so I blasted that entire portion of the transport with some CRC QD Electronic Cleaner, blew it out with air, and the damn thing works OK now.

BUT.....and there's always a "But"....My preemptive strike on resoldering all the connections for the Source/Tape Monitor switch was a flop, as now the right channel is completely dead when in the "Tape" position. I ran my audio generator into the Line Input, and that section works like it should. SO.....I either missed a connection, or wound up with a solder bridge on the board, most likely caused by using too large a tip in my iron. I didn't even think to change the tip from the "Heathkit Size" down a bit to "Pioneer Size", and it may have bit me.

The offending group of connections are dead center in the picture. Yeah, I had to pull the bottom panel, and take all the screws out of the motherboard to push it away from the chassis so I can get at the little critters.

I'll also recheck all the wired connections to the board in case I broke one loose.

And yeah, I'll check to make sure it works BEFORE I bolt it all back together!


  1. While I'm glad that you're on the workbench, I'm not certain where it is that you're headed.

    1. trying to finish the repairs to the Pioneer CT-F950 cassette deck I've been banging away on for a couple of months! I coulda-shoulda-woulda bought a Nakamichi deck, but too much $$$

  2. There always seems to be one last "gotcha" when trying to finish something off. Been there, done that.

    1. I haven't even started the electronic alignment yet. So far it's been 100% mechanical issues. Now I understand why NOBODY wants to repair these decks......

  3. Yep, betting you're right. I could see a couple of 'smudged' solder points on the back... Actually surprised as I remember Pioneer having better QC than that.

    1. The annoying part is *I* probably 'smudged' them using a too big soldering tip!

  4. Well, at least it is through hole components and not surface mount.

  5. You forgot to lock Murphy out of the shop before you started.


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...