Friday, October 21, 2022

80 Degrees, 8% Relative Humidity - This Is October?

 Been really nice the last few days so I was puttering around outside. Finally got the rest of the wood from the apple and ash trees sorted, and somewhat stacked.

This is from the ash tree that lost the big limb:

And there's another couple of big ash limbs here, along with the rest of the wood from the crab apple tree:

The wheelbarrow has some pretty good sized apple logs in it, covered by usable, burnable smaller branches.

And up at the top of the ash tree, we have a squirrel condo:

There's two that live there, and if you look carefully, you can see on here. They're both in the picture, but the MRS is very hard to see:

 And I brought in most of the garden hoses and sprinklers I use. Haven't put the little styrofoam anti-freeze hats on them, but that'll happen in a week or so after I give the trees their Winter feeding.

Bought a "3-In-1" blower/vacuum/mulcher that should significantly reduce our bag count at the dump this year:

 It's a corded one from Horror Freight that cost $5. Even if it only lasts one season, it's a lot cheaper than paying somebody to come do it. I looked at cordless ones, but YOUCH! By the time you buy the tool, the battery, and the charger, you're looking at $250! I don't mind dragging a cord around behind me to save $200!

First official Winter Storm is creeping up on us, and should be here Sunday through Monday. Rain and snow showers are forecast, with significantly cooler temps.

Have a safe and blessed weekend, and keep your head on a swivel....


  1. Your fancy Toyota is covered with STUFF! I'm happy to see you preparing for winter, getting the wood stacked, etc. Country living at its best.

    1. The only thing stacked ON the car is an old comforter I used to use. It was Pebbles' "dog bed" in the back seat on the way out here. It might wind up down in the workshop as a bed for her down there. The wood has been out there two years (two summers, one winter), so it should nice and "aged". It sat because I had the medical issues with the hip and my meds. Definitely feels good being able to get out there and DO stuff again!

  2. There's a saying you use that I'm unfamiliar with. Could you translate "8% relative humidity" for me? My temperature is lower than 80 (75 at the moment) but humidity is 69%.

    1. HAH! Thought you might get a kick out of that. We have Red Flag and Elevated/Severe Fire Risk for the the rest of the day. 8% humidity with 45~50MPH winds can cause fires to get out of control pretty quickly here. Supposed to get 2"~6" through Monday. After it warms a bit next week I'll feed the trees, and bring all the hoses in.


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...