Saturday, October 29, 2022

Annnnnd..... The Pioneer CT-F950 is Still Messed Up.

 As soon as I put the front panel back on the CT-F950 deck the transport problems started again.

SOOOOO.....At this point I'm going to set it aside while I contact a guy on the AudioKarma forum who rebuilds the Reel Hubs and Spindles. The consensus is mine are excessively worn, and need to be refurbished. New clutch pads, replace any broken parts, test them, and send them back. I'm not sure what he charges, but it appears to be reasonable per other forum members.

Besides....I've had my SX-980 receiver on the back burner WAY too long, and I need to get going on it again.


  1. Your patience and perseverance is something to behold.

    1. Yes, on occasion. I like to see things through when I can..

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, it's turned into a real CF. I'm just gonna have to put it down, and walk away for a while....

    2. Kind of makes you want to use the CTRL Sledgehammer command sometime, doesn't it?

    3. Even broken it's too valuable to take a demolition hammer to. It'll more than likely get dumped on eBay or a local thrift store....

  3. Where do you buy capacitors for these restorations? Next year, I may be restoring some audio equipment to include a 50+ year old Acoustic Research amplifier which needs a new filter capacitor (an probably more).

    1. DigiKey and Mouser both stock high-quality capacitors. For the big metal can electrolytics, I go to

    2. That at least confirms choices I have already looked at. For that AR amp, I have to get a dual, or two, 5000 uf 50V capacitor(s) that will fit in a specific space and there isn't too much extra space.

    3. Modern capacitors are smaller than their older relatives. You can probably find one at DigiKey or Mouser that will have more capacitance, at a higher voltage, in the same or smaller size can. Are these axial or radial leaded, or do they have screw terminals?

    4. They are either screw or solder tab. When I drag it out of storage I will pull the cover off and look. Someone on ebay sells a recap kit for.......$165.

    5. That usually means about ~$70~$80 actual parts cost!


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...