Monday, October 17, 2022

Cookin' With The Doctor.....

 Got a mean hankering fer some cornbread tonight. So I made some. Got it out of the oven to cool, got distracted, and by the time I got back, some vandal had attacked it!

Said vandal proclaimed it was "good". I tried something a bit different from the "box recipe" tonight. I added an 1/8th tsp of cinnamon to "see what happened". Turns out 1/8th tsp isn't enough to give you more than a hint of cinnamon. You catch a whiff as take a bite, but there's no "cinnamon flavor" as such. Next time I'll up it to 1/4 tsp. I expect that will have the flavor, but I'm thinking I'll have to increase the sugar a bit to take some bite of it it. Too much cinnamon can be a bad thing.....


  1. Cinnamon in cornbread? Well I never!

    1. Damn Yankees! "Bless My Little Heart" is appropriate, I guess..

  2. made some once and was out of eggs.In desperation I put in about 1/4 cup of apple sauce it was good !

    1. I have a recipe of Oatmeal/Applesauce bread I'm going to try.

  3. Cornbread is good as is. Adding butter and then apple butter to each slice makes it a little corner of heaven.

    1. Dunno, served with chili or home-made soup, ah, heaven.

      Then there's cornbread and milk.

    2. @LL - SLW enjoys it with butter and honey.

    3. @Beans - Yep, cornbread and chili on a cold wintry day is superb!

  4. I... I.... I...... I don't know you. You are dead to me.

    Making cornbread NOT in a cast iron pan.

    And cinnamon? And SUGAR?

    Dead. To. Me.


    What's next, Cream of Wheat instead of Grits?

    (shudder. shudder shudder)

    Bleh. SOME PEOPLE...

    Other than that, still enjoying your stand mixer?

    1. 1) We don't have a cast iron pan suitable for it. 2) Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. I wanted to add a little "breakfasty" flavor to it. 2) Being a Yankee, I've never had properly prepared grits. I've heard they're quite tasty. 3) The stand mixer gets a lot of use here in the Winter. SLW bakes some outrageous things, and I play with breads.

    2. Any cast-iron frying pan or dutch oven is suitable for making cornbread. Just pre-heat the pan and toss the butter into the pan to melt and partially cook, then pour the butter into the batter and mix it and pour it back. Creates a proper Southern-style crust.

    3. Yup. I was just clued in by SLW that we do indeed, have a proper cast-iron skillet, plenty deep enough to make cornbread in. She also suggested (whimsically, she thought) of using bacon grease to coat the pan with. So do several "Southern Style" recipes I've found. A soon as I collect enough bacon grease, I'll give it a try.

  5. Hahaha! Bunch of great tips here. Thanks, drjim.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  6. Heretic... Bless your heart, you just don't know better... ;-)

    1. Yeah, but I guess I'm being "educated" about it!

  7. NO, never! Cornbread should not be sweet or "flavored". My wife and I are both from the south and neither of us wants anything added, except real butter.

    1. Didn't know I was stirring the pot here. OK, I'll back off the fancy "Gentrified Urban Fusion Cooking"! I didn't like this recipe, anyway. The cornmeal to flour ratio was wrong, it only said to use one egg, and no mention of butter, which the other (GOOD!) recipe I used had a couple of tablespoons of.

    2. Cornbread recipe for small cast-iron pan.
      2 cups cornmeal to 1 cup self-rising flour (or whatever it takes to make flour self-rise)
      3 eggs
      1 1/2 cup water or milk
      1 stick butter.

      Preheat oven to 425 with your cast iron skillet or cookware and melt the butter in the pan while it is heating.

      Mix all other ingredients, pour in hot butter, mix, pour into hot pan.

      Bake for 40-45 minutes. Check by slicing round in half while in pan and lifting up one half and seeing if it's cooked all the way through. If not, put back in oven for another 5-10 minutes.

      This is basically the recipe my dad used and I have been using since I started making corn bread.

      I substitute a gluten free self-rise flour (Pamela's Pancake and Baking Mix) for regular self-rising flour and have had no problems with the recipe at all.

      True Southern cornbread. Eggs and Butter, that's what makes it not too crumbly.

    3. This is the recipe I'll be using:
      I use their "Hearth Bread" recipe, adjusted for altitude, and it makes really good bread.

  8. Don't know if your local stores stock the Jiffy brand corn bread muffin mix, but if the do you should give it a try.
    Slightly sweeter than other mixes.
    That way you will avoid CIVIL WAR II . Southerners never tolerate violations of down home cooking.
    Notice given.

    1. I've tried Jiffy before, and it was "OK". Yes, I've been given sufficient warning by others about tampering with proven recipes. Cornbread is a staple here in the West, too, and I wouldn't want to get a ride to the train station....


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...