Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year, and Carving Almost Complete we are, which is most likely not where we'd thought we'd be. A staged pandemic, an election with absolutely breathtaking amounts of fraud, and economy in shambles, and all the other stuff I can't be bothered mentioning, but we endured.

Yes, "endured".

No, it's not The Great Depression or a World War. Those may be Coming Soon To A Former Republic Near YOU!, but it's still not 100% decided. I don't know what's coming up this year, but I don't think it's going to be "pretty", for given definitions of "pretty".

So take care, keep your head on a swivel and your powder dry, and we'll see what comes.

On to more mundane matters....

Trevor The Tree Carver has been busy since the last update. He's just about finished, and has only some final detailing, sealing, and clean-up to do. It should look quite nice this summer.

Awwwww....RATS! Booger uploaded my pix in the reverse order I selected them in.

And I'm too lazy tonight to correct it.

A fitting end for 2020! Think I'll be down in The Bunker with a portable radio until 2020 is out of here.....


  1. Trevor is a carving machine! Happy New Year, DRJIM.

    1. He's quite good, and I think working on this full-size trunk has given him confidence to continue on. He's already talking about buying some decent scaffolding so he can do more of this type of work.

  2. Replies
    1. I like all the detail on the trunk. Most places don't do it the way he's doing it, but we like it.

  3. Happy(?) New Year drjim! The carving looks even better now.

    1. Thanks, Bill! I think he should be finished on Sunday.

  4. Happy New Year, and best wishes for a BETTER 2021 for us all!

  5. As we say in Philly, "Nice iggle!"

    My hat is off to the woodcarver.

    1. He's very talented. He got here a couple of hours ago, did some minor detail work, and is putting the sealer on it.


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