Monday, December 28, 2020

A Bit More Tree Carving....

 Took this today after Trevor left due to blowing snow!

He's been working on the trunk, turning it into a stack of boulders with roots growing down through them. The baby owl on the small limb was supposed to be a squirrel, but as he carved away the wood, a crack in the limb started to open up, and he was afraid it would break apart in a few months, so he cut the limb back, and carved the owl.

Should be pretty impressive when he's finished carving it, burning in more detail, and sealing it.


  1. I like the art. It adds to your yard.

    1. He's hoping to get it finished this week. He has a minimal amount of power-tool work left, and much burning-in and detailing left. Then he'll seal it with boiled linseed oil, which hes says should be reapplied every three years or so.

  2. Nice! And yes, improvise, adapt, and overcome... :-)

    1. He's been doing this stuff since he was a little kid. He has a dozen or so finished pieces at his house waiting to find customers, and he knows wood really well. He had a few other ideas he wanted to do, but as he started taking the bark off the tree, he saw things that made him change his plan. Since we didn't really know what we wanted, we told him to do what he thought would look good with what he had to work with.

  3. Replies
    1. We saw what he'd been doing with sections of big logs (I really need to get some pictures of his finished pieces) at his house, and figured if he could do that, he could probably do an in-the-ground-stump. Turns out he'd been trying to find somebody who'd let him do one, but hadn't had any luck. We'll have S/N 001 of his tree stump projects.

  4. That's interesting that he discovered that under all that wood he removed!

    1. Yep, just like a sculptor! Hot Rod guys who build up rusty old cars into eye-poppers call it "Knocking Out The Ugly"....


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