Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Cold and Windy....

 Going down to the low teens tonight, and it's been pretty windy since about noon. Winds have been pretty steady at 25~28MPH with some gusts to 40+.

All the snow has melted, so no White Christmas, but the backyard is now dry enough I can gather up the one trunk of the crab apple tree the arborist removed and cut up for me. I'll drag it in to the garage to let it dry out and season until next winter. The sections I saved from the big branches that broke off last winter are really great firewood. Burns very cleanly, and throws off a lot of heat and light for the size pieces I wound up with.

TLG will be here Wednesday, and we're going to bake some bread for when he comes back with his Mommie and Daddy for Christmas Eve dinner.

Wishing you all the best for a Blessed Christmas and Joyous New Year, just in case I don't get off my duff and put something up for Christmas.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your's also! The MBW and I spent time with the MBD, SIL and TYGs (The Young Guys - 7 and 9) for a celebration last night. They will be off to the SIL's Mom's house on the 25th. We may see them at church tomorrow night.

    That crab apple would probably make good wood for smoking meat in addition to the fire place.

    Enjoy baking the bread. Does TLG get in on the action of making it or just observe?

    1. The wood might work in a smoker if the smoker accepts "rounds". The pieces I have are about 3"~4" in diameter and 12"~14" long. The trunk that was recently cut down is ~6" in diameter, and I have half-a-dozen lengths about 3' long. Definitely going to have to cut them up, and possibly split them.

      TLG likes watching the beater mix the ingredients, but after letting him punch the dough down once, he doesn't like it. It's "ICKY"!

      He likes the bread, though.

  2. Merry Christmas, DRJIM & Family.

    1. Thanks, LL! We wish the same to you and your clan.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and family, DrJim. Be safe and warm.

    1. Thanks, Bob. Didn't get as cold as forecast last night. Only got down to about 20*, but the high was also only around 25*. At least the winds have died down some. Running around 15MPH, gusting to 35MPH.

      Keep the pups warm!

  4. Merry Christmas to all y'all, dr jim. We just had winds 60-80 mph, gusting to 100+. Then 38 & rain, followed by 3" of wet snow on top of the ice which formed on the frozen roads. It's a lovely morning. :^\ But may yours be much better!

    1. YOW! Sounds like the winds they get up in Wyoming.

      When we first moved here I asked all the Hams I met about ice and snow and antennas. They all told me I didn't have to worry about ice and snow bringing down my antennas. They all told me the wind would kill them LONG before they iced up enough to break!

  5. Skipped the morning walk with the dog. Blizzard conditions from blowing snow in the Nebraska panhandle this morning. My sister the insurance adjuster had a wreck to work in Wyoming. Over Elk Mountain (I-80) she counted five blown over rigs.

    And Merry Christmas to all!

    1. Looks like the winds have died down some since this morning. We had chairs blown over in the backyard, TLG's plastic "water table" was AWOL until I found it on the other side of the yard, tucked between the house and a tree, and the empty trash cans were blown over.

      At least my antennas have survived!

  6. Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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