Sunday, October 25, 2020


 It started last night around 2300, just little, tiny flakes coming down, and by 0100 when I went lights-out, we had a couple of inches. Not snowing extremely heavy, but just a constant snowfall.

The "snow gauge" shows about 8", with another 4"~8" during the day, and a forecast of an additional 3"~7" overnight. Gonna be a real mess on Monday morning!

And it's piled up and around my "Cease Fire" smoker's ashtray/bucket.....

And the streets are covered.....

One of the neighbor kids came offering to shovel the snow for $5, and he did such a bang-up job I gave him $10. The temps are going back up on Tuesday, so after this melts, I *WILL* be going to get a snowblower.

There was significantly more snow at the higher elevations, over 10" last I heard, and that should help dampen the fires.

It's 1700 now, and 11*, on it's way down to TWO degrees tonight. Gonna be a good night to crank up the fireplace.


  1. I mentioned to Damsel that it looked like some snow was headed your way. Good for you and the fires up there. Still 80+ degrees here but that's going to change soon. We could use some rain too.

    1. Over 12" of snow fell on the active fire area the last I heard. We easily got that much, and we're getting another 3"~5" tonight. They'll probably get another 8"~10" in the burn areas because of the higher elevation.

    2. That's good - some of our prayers get answered.

  2. So much for the smoke in the air and the threat of blazes.

    1. It's supposed to clear Monday afternoon.Tuesday should be a pretty nice day, with the clean air and temps in the high 30's.

      Next week will be "Operation SnowBlow" to go pick up the Ariens.

  3. The forecasts are for sunny skies by Wednesday at the latest. Good new for Sisty and I. We have a funeral to attend Thursday in Maybell (Moffat County 40 west of Craig). Some cousin's father.

    1. And I have a trip down to the Lowe's in Loveland to get a snow blower.

  4. Nice one.

    Jealous of your snow, mind you it's different when you have to live with it forever, but still. The climate changed.

    1. We definitely get all four seasons here, Parson!
      Got down to four degrees last night. Supposed to get down to minus TWO tonight.....

  5. Glad they got snow in the mountains! And kudos to the kids for being out earning money!

    1. You and me both, NFO! They got 14"~18" in the burn areas, so that should help.

      I was going to "tip" the kid with a silver eagle or Liberty Dollar, but figured he'd rather have the folding money! He came along at exactly the right time, did a very good job, and was very polite.

      If he keeps that up he'll go far!


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...