Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fall Color!

 Thought I'd better get some snaps of the maple tree in front of the house before it drops too many more leaves!

This particular variety is the Amur Maple, Acer ginnala, and is known for having vivid Fall colors, and for being a very hardy, vigorous tree.

From the inside:

And from the driveway:


And TLG helped put up some Halloween decorations. Supposed to say "HELP" in bloody letters:

And our "Anti Witch Defense System" downed it's first hostile:

-"Roger that Viper-6. Splash One Witch!"

-"Viper-6, Sierra Hotel!"

The crabapple tree has just started showing signs of color, and should be quite pretty in a week or so.


  1. Two trees at the dog park are full yellow. Soon everything along the Poudre will be turning.

    1. I've noticed all the birches have gone full yellow. Our ash tree in the backyard is about 85% yellow. Lots of neighborhood plants that are just "green" all year have exploded in color. SLW and I were out yesterday, and we were both commenting on the colors. I've always enjoyed fall, but it's spectacular here compared to Lost Angeleez!

  2. Your tree is beautiful.
    Just starting to turn color here, not cold enough yet at night.

    1. I grew up with maples, and seeing this one turn in the Fall is very comforting.

  3. Looking nice, the colors are beautiful.

    I was looking at the leaves on the ground and had an idle thought, "I wonder if the snow thrower would move leaves?"

    1. HAH! And it would move the mulch, the rocks, all the twigs and branches....

  4. It's a very pretty thing. Taking a week to drive around the Blue Ridge to see the fall color in North Carolina is a popular vacation around here.

  5. Does Florida have many deciduous trees? We had some in SoCal, but not enough where we lived to make it pretty in Fall.

    1. Where I grew up near Miami, not one. Here in the central area, we have a few kinds - I have a maple in my front yard and an oak in my backyard. Not as pretty as yours, the leaves will turn yellow, usually around Thanksgiving. There are some maples that have red leaves in the fall, too.

      Every now and then we get the right weather to have them all turn at about the same time and get a colorful fall. Most years, it's too spread out in time.

    2. Sounds like SoCal. We had maples and oaks, and some others that dropped their leaves, but as you say, it was spread out over a month or more.

  6. That looks beautiful. Texas is kinda short on seasons...

    1. So was SoCal! I'd forgotten how much I missed Fall until we moved here.

  7. Replies
    1. And it's just the right size for a certain 3-year old to start his climbing adventures.....


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