Thursday, October 22, 2020

And Another Smokey "Armageddon" Day

 I agree with Well Seasoned Fool on's really getting tiresome.

We have two relatively new fires; The CalWood fire South of us by Longmont. and the East Troublesome fire, directly West of there.

The ash fall from this current dump was about the worst it's been. The ash was in bigger pieces, chunky instead of flaky, and a good 1/4" deep on the windshield down by the wipers.

The Cameron Peak fire is the Northernmost one, with the blue line indicating how much is contained. It's around 207,000 acres after the massive 70,000 acre run it did last week. Estimates for lost structures is around 190, and expected to go higher.

The "small" fire South of us is the CalWood fire at about 7,000 acres. This is the one that was blowing smoke across I-25 yesterday.

And the big fire West of that is the East Troublesome fire, currently at well over 125,000 170,000 acres, becoming the second largest fire in Colorado history.

This is pretty much what the CalWood fire looked like coming back from DIA yesterday. Image courtesy of

Sweet Little Wife was almost crying when she saw it as we drove past.

We're praying for our firefighters, and praying for rain.......


  1. People in my building are wearing masks for the smoke, not COVID. 31° on my third story deck as I write this.

    1. Weather station outside shows 29* on it's way down to a forecast 19*. Got the garage cleaned up, and SLW's car inside, but's cold!

  2. Are you sure you are not on the doorstep of Purgatory drjim? That really doesn't look healthy to lungs and limbs.

    1. The color balance in the pix is off a bit because the camera was set to "Flash", and not "Daylight". It's not that red, but it is that dark.

      I stay inside on days we can smell heavy smoke.

  3. That looks really nasty, DRJIM.

    1. It is. My round-trip to DIA yesterday showed me just how bad it is South of here. The smoke plume showed on the weather radar out to about 150 miles, so we're not the only people getting hit with the smoke.

      It'll be real interesting to see the report on what lit off the East Troublesome fire. There's not much in the area where it started...

  4. Truly sad, and the consequence of the greenies wanting 'pristine' green spaces and forests by preventing natural burning. Stay safe! The ones that are really having trouble are those with breathing problems to start with.

    1. Yeah, it's really sad. I had thought that the forest management in Colorado was better than in Kommiefornia, BUT, per Well Seasoned Fool, it sucks! And the in-laws, and our "tree guy" who does heavy forestry, tell me it's only a little better.

      The really insane thing is that a lot of the "beetle kill" trees that should be removed have valuable wood, but they're not allowed to be removed because of some stupid greenies.

  5. I was looking at the NWS Prediction Center and it has your area pegged for "mixed precipitation" tomorrow and Sunday. I'm sure your local weather is better, but just keeping an eye on it as best we can and praying for you guys.

    1. We got a dusting of snow on Thursday night, and there were several inches of snow up at the higher elevations. The storm that's coming in on Saturday might is forecast for a 90% chance of rain/snow, and an accumulation of up to an inch. That could be 8"~10" at the higher elevations, and should help quite a bit.

  6. Wow.

    Stay safe and I'll pray for rain...

    1. Thank you, Parson.

      It's much better today. It's cloudy and overcast, but at least the smoke is very minimal today.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...