Sunday, July 26, 2020

Meanwhile, Back IN The Garage......

We have stuff to finish my Supra front bumper!

This is the special primer, the Bumper Bite, and some more of the urethane repair material. This time I got it in the tubes, vs the syringe-type container. You get three times the amount of product, for 50% more in price. A much better deal.

And some plastic covers for the two window wells in the front of the house:

These should help with keeping leaves and other wind-blown trash out of the well, and hopefully will help mitigate some of the heat loss out of the two downstairs windows in the workshop, and maybe help with the drafts, too.

And I built a couple of switch-controlled outlet boxes for the new work lights I hung in the garage.

These will go on the wall behind the workbench, and control two the 48" LED fixtures I hung a week or so ago.

And Sweet Little Wife got new shoes for her little Hyundai, Pirelli Strada "All Season" tires. She also got a less-expensive 5th tire on a steel rim for her spare, as Hyundai did NOT give you any kind of spare tire at all. Just a little air compressor, a container of tire sealer goop to use with the compressor, and a can of Fix-A-Flat.

She was not happy when she found that out! Now I have to go online shopping for a suitable jack to stow in the trunk.

And since we traded-in the Jeep, I no longer have a need for my "summer tires", and as soon as I take a couple of more pix, SLW will put them on, and out they go!

Plenty of tread left. They're not even half-way down to the tread wear indicator bars.

Now I can get back to this, and then put the front end back together, and DRIVE her....


  1. Always nice to have the right tools for the job, isn't it?

    How are you enjoying Big Red, or whatever you are calling the Colorado?

    1. Yeah, this COVID BS made it harder to get the materials I needed. People were out-of-stock on things, shipping was sloooow, etc.

      Then the SLW started talking "truck", and another two weeks slipped away. I really, really, really want to put some miles on her this summer!

      It's a very nice truck. Rides smoothly considering it's got the "off road suspension" per GM, has plenty of power (haven't redlined it yet; only 250 miles on it), great brakes with excellent pedal feel and modulation, and the handling is better than it has any right to be for an "off-road" rated truck. Very good steering feel, and very responsive.

      No, it won't pull 1.06G on the skidpad, but I have the Supra for canyon carving.

      SLW suggested we call it "Rudolph", but's a truck, honey. Trucks shouldn't have cutesy names.

      I think from now on I'll start calling it Big Red.

      Thanks, Beans!

    2. Glad you liked the name.

      And you can call SLW's vehicle "Little Red."

      Until she gives you that look, of course.

    3. HAH! I think every married guy knows "The Look".....

  2. Each of my vehicles has a pawn store sourced breaker bar and proper sized socket for the lug nuts. Pawn shops or flea markets can be a source for a jack as can the Habitat for Humanity ReStore 4001 S Taft Hill Road.

    1. I was thinking a 24", 1/2" drive breaker bar with appropriate sized socket. Since I had the breaker bar in the Jeep, all I need to do is see if it has the correct size socket, and if it doesn't, I'll grab one the right size from one of the sets I have.

      I'll check out the ReStore (driven by it many times) for the jack.

    2. A nice bottle jack wouldn't be a bad addition either. I've done some weird things with a scissors-jack (like widening the neck hole on a helmet) but by far the bottle jack is the jack (so to speak) of all trades.

      Couple balks of wood for jamming under and you can move boulders.

    3. Well Seasoned Fool. Yes. Each vehicle has a Harbor Freight 1/2" breaker bar and the correctly sized deep well six point socket in the storage area.
      (This is the second unsuccessful try to get the comment where I want it)

    4. I was wrong. The second try was the charm!

    5. After digging around a bit, I found I have TWO 24" long 1/2" breaker bars. One for Big Red, and one for "Little Red" (thanks, Beans!), and enough "extra" sockets to fit both bars.

      And I found the correct Hyundai jack and kit for $22, free shipping, from a reputable seller, on eBay.

      4x4 wood blocks are in abundance here from the fence replacement when we bought the house, so I'll toss a couple of those in each car.

      I'll check around for a small bottle jack. The two I have are a bit too big for her little car.

  3. Jack. If her car has pinch welds, remember to get a jack made for pinch welds or an adapter. (I'm thinking you knew that)

  4. Have a question, when you walk out first thing in the morning before your first cup of coffee do you get confused as to which red vehicle you get into?

  5. Yay for having the 'right' tools to fix the bumpers.

    1. The repair resin I knew about, but it was one of the Toyota Tribe that clued me in on the "Bumper Bite".

  6. "Bumper Bite" sounds like a dog's name. Good dog, really, but not a good insurance risk.

    1. Perhaps you were thinking of George Tirebiter?


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