Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Meanwhile, Back In The World

It's snowing again.

NWS said "up to 1/2" of new accumulation", but we've gotten several inches of pretty, white, fluffy stuff, and it's still coming down lightly. But it's predicted for the middle 30's tomorrow, and 50-plus on Friday and Saturday, so the new stuff won't be here very long.

And the windshield in the Jeep finally gave up the ghost and split almost completely from side-to-side a couple of inches below that massive rock hit it took a few months ago on the way back from DIA. I'll have to shop around some auto glass places here, but I'm tempted to go with Safelite. The guy across the street had them come out and replace the windshield in his big Ford pick-up, and they were her, done, and gone in under an hour. This time of year it might require a trip to their nice HEATED shop to get it done.

And since every little boy needs some Green Army Men in his life, I procured a small unit for him to train with.

Here's Grandma explaining the proper construction of Field Improvised Fortifications.

I asked him why he "buried" the soldier (see green legs protruding from purple sand...), and it took him a while to get it it out, but then he said "He's a SNIPER!".

I have no idea who taught him that. Really....I don't ever recall even saying the word "sniper" around him.

Looks good!

I can see some mechanized units in his future.....or at least a bigger AO.....probably both!

And I missed the return call from the Doctor's office, and when I called back, she and her Nurse were out-of-the-office after lunch today, but the staff told me they WILL call back tomorrow.

I think I see a new hip creeping over the horizon.....


  1. Several years ago a relative (by marriage) needed a hip replacement with no insurance. She spent a month in India having it done. Total cost just over $10,000. She got nearly twenty years use but it was going bad when she had other problems and died. Nothing related to the hip.

  2. We have quite good medical insurance through my wife's former employer. I'm it will cost us something, but I doubt if it will be $10k.

  3. Had a very similar windshield incident last week. It was 2 degrees F out, I was driving 65mph into probably a 15 mph headwind. No leadup, just one big CRACK, starting at the chip, and running almost all the way across the windshield. Made an appointment to goo into Safelite on Saturday, they said it would take about an hour and a half, but it was done in 50 minutes. It was down to -4 last night, but no far anyhow. Guaranteed not to leak, for the life of the windshield.

    1. I'll ask around at the R/C track I go to. The owner also has a CV Axle repair shop, and has been there 'forever'. I'm sure he knows some decent shops.

  4. Smart boy, tactical.

    Rain here, wish it was snow...

    1. He just loves playing with them, and asking what each soldier is carrying.

  5. The lad might be just a bit young for the training course,
    "Improvised Explosives And Green Army Men," but you can schedule it for some time in the future.

    I'm thinking the perfect storage box for his troops would be one of those plastic boxes that look like a thirty caliber ammo can. (available in a tool store with a name that rhymes with eight)

  6. I've got some green ammo "dry boxes" made from plastic that would be perfect. Metal cans have pointy corners, and I wouldn't want him to trip and land on one.....

    1. I already got him a little "tool box" and covered it with hot rod/speed decals!


Keep it civil, please....

Carolina In the Pines

  She came to me, said she knew me Said she'd known me a long time And she spoke of being in love With every mountain she had climbed...