Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tear The House Apart Day.....And Now Put It All Back.....

Well, we tore it apart last night in preparation for today.

Having the downstairs carpet cleaned today, along with the tile and grout in the entryway, kitchen, and sun room.

So I'm going to be busy, and might be offline for a while while they're doing the sun room, aka the Radio Room.

We've been here almost two years now, and since we'll be hosting Christmas this year, my Sweet Little Wife wants to get some of this 'heavy lifting' stuff out of the way.

Be back later.....

Well, that was fairly painless. Nice young guy from ChemDry, all by himself, did three rooms of carpet, two stairways, and ALL the tile and grout in about 5 hours.

So now I have a couple of fans set up as exhaust fans, and the windows on the opposite side open, and we have a nice flow of air through the downstairs.

It looks great!

The tile looks amazing, and the two spots where the glaze had chipped came out the same shade as the tile, something we didn't expect. So, I got out the "Tile Repair Kit", and brushed in some of the "glaze" from the kit where the tile was damaged. Hopefully this will seal it well enough that it doesn't discolor again.

The nap of the carpet bounced back nicely, but it'll get flattened out again in the traffic areas. My wife says this isn't Real Good Carpet, but considering the people who put it in were planning on having 4 or 5 college kids living here, they probably figured it'd get trashed, so why spend big bucks on top-of-the-line carpet.

It most likely came from Home Depot, like all the new appliances, vanities, light fixtures, plumbing, etc.

Not much odor, except when he was doing the grout. My highly calibrated sense of smell indicates it was some kind of glycol or alcohol, perhaps butyl cellosolve product. It dissipated quickly, and now with the fans running, the odor is almost gone.


  1. Doesn't seem that long. Good luck and God bless!

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, seems like only yesterday that you, us, and LL "got outta Dodge".

      And it was worth all the pain and anguish!


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