Saturday, July 21, 2018

Russian Collusion Explained

Really quite simple......

Any questions?


  1. Has to be Moose and Squirrel - and possibly Fearless Leader.

  2. I thought Mr. Big was the cutout....

  3. Two new employees walked in together some years ago and the male introduced himself with, "Hi, I'm Boris." I turned to the female and said, "You must be Natasha." She had never heard of Rocky and Bullwinkle and the joke needed to be explained.
    We might just be getting up there in our ages. Sigh.

    1. When I worked for Sea Launch, we had a group of English/Russian translators on staff.

      My manager spent over a year getting one of them to say "Moose and Squirrel". They all thought it was "dirty", or some kind of joke back on them, so until they checked it out, they wouldn't say it.

      *Finally* they understood it was from a "children's" cartoon, and really didn't "mean anything".

      And it was worth the wait.....

  4. I remember the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show. Nothing like that now a days. It's all "Sponge Bob" type stuff. Used to be a satellite network called "The Cartoon Network" which showed Tom and Jerry, Mighty Mouse, old shows like that. Not around anymore, I don't think.

    1. Cartoon Network is still around. I think we get with our Comcast Xfinity service.

    2. And that's where the crappy cartoons like spongebob come from.

    3. Never thought about it much, Ed, but I suspect you're correct. Too many "kids' cartoon" show have very little educational value, and zero content for adults.

      My Dad laughed at the jokes I didn't get in Rocky and Bullwinkle. Years later I laughed at them, too....

  5. Hahahahaha! Great one. I miss the old cartoons.
    Thank you, drjim. :)

  6. Never trust a squirrel or a moose...


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