Monday, July 30, 2018

Liberal Loonies In Grand Junction, CO

Grand Junction, Colorado, is "The Big City" and the largest city on Colorado's Western Slope. It's a beautiful place to drive through, and my son and I stayed overnight there on our drive here, and had our first "Freddy Burger" form a local chain called, oddly enough, "Freddy's Frozen Custard and Steakburgers". Very good burgers, fries and shakes. No, they're not my beloved In-N-Out Burgers, but they'll do very nicely.

Well, like most Big Cities, Grand Junction has it's "Fair Share" of liberals, loonies, Demoncrats, and others that are at odds with the rest of us, and some of them have enough spare change in their pockets to do things like pay for a "spot" on the electronic billboards that have proliferated in recent years.

So what does a liberal 'advertise' for? Save the children? Save the whales? Save the trees?

Nope, they come up with this:

The full article is here at Colorado Peak Politics, and is an amusing read.


  1. I had heard there were some mentally unsound people out that way, but that's living proof.

    1. Boulder is worse. It's giving San Fran a run for it's money, but you can't pee and poop in the streets legally.

      At least not yet......

  2. They just can't stop out-stupiding themselves, can they?

    1. I think we'll see them try real hard in the coming mid-terms and the 2020 elections.

      Prepare yourself for lots of this stuff over the next two years. I'm glad we're well stocked on popcorn....

  3. What a waste of a nice billboard.

    1. It's electronic, so Praise The Deity that no sacred trees were sacrificed to this noble cause!

      And I have it on good authority that no electrons were harmed, either, helping us achieve energy neutrality.

      It was only $265 for this guy to run the message, but I don't know any other particulars.

  4. Probably brought on by a lack of rain.

  5. I hope that they spend even more money on billboards like this one.


Keep it civil, please....

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