Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Little 'Travelin' Music', Please.....

One of my favorite TV themes.

Since I'm on Garage Duty for the foreseeable future (well, plus "Iowa Duty"), I put together a bunch of music with an automotive theme that I can play in the garage while getting all grimy and dreaming of the time I'll be working on the car getting all grimy.

There's some backstory to this song. CBS was too cheap to pay continuing royalties to Bobby Troup for "Get Your Kicks On Route 66", so they commissioned Nelson Riddle to write a replacement. Most TV show theme songs are considered almost "throw away" songs, but Route 66 went on to become the first TV theme song to make Billboard magazine's "Top 30", and continues to this day to be a popular song, especially among those of us who are a "certain age".

Ahhhh....the carefree days of Tod and Buz, cruising the USA in their Chevrolet. Simpler, happier times........



  1. It used to be that you really could get your kicks on Route 66.

  2. I've driven Route 66 from it's start in Chicago, through all of Illinois, and bits and pieces of it in other states.

    I suppose one of these days I should drive the West end of it from Santa Monica to where ever.....

  3. I grew up along a stretch of Rte. 66 in Missouri, before it became I-44. The overpasses were an improvement over the "wait for a break in traffic & gun it like crazy!" gravel crossings. But the TV show was a favorite in our house. And who could forget "Kooky, Lend Me Your Comb"?

  4. My sister thought he was pretty cool, but at that time I was more interested in his hot rod than even any of the pretty women on the show.

  5. I will have to start coming by to see what you are listening to...very nice!

  6. I don't post music very often. There's just too many songs and groups I like, from Glen Miller to Pink Floyd to Steely Dan, with side trips to the Eagles and Dire Straits!

  7. Wow, I like those too...sounds like you might have been around my house today...lol ; )

  8. That does bring back some memories! :-)


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