Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Thoughts on Iowa

No, not my beloved BB-61, but last night's goings on.

I'm no political analyst, and I sure don't play one on TV, but a few things immediately struck me.

1. Hillary is in deep doo-doo. If Bernie Sanders can wind up in a dead-heat TIE with her, I think she's doomed. I wonder what's going to happen next week in New Hampshire....

2. Cruz is much stronger than I expected, and I think that's a Good Thing. I thought the final numbers for Ted and The Donald would be flipped around. And Rubio's results surprised me, too. I figured he'd get about half what he did. Carly and Dr. Carson did poorly, and I wonder how much longer they'll slug it out. I think Dr. Carson is a fine man, a wonderful surgeon, and a great example for young people of ANY race to emulate, but I'm not sure he's got the stones to be President.

3. O'Malley and Huckabee are doing the right thing. I'm sure we'll hear more from them.

4, The people of Iowa were sure full of surprises, weren't they?


  1. Also consider this: The Democrats split their vote equally between a professed socialist and a woman, who by all things considered, should spend the rest of her life behind bars. That right there is messed up.

    1. Yeah, it's a world class bottom-of-the-barrel moment, isn't it?

  2. Trump was not expected to do all that well among the evangelical sects but he was still a close second. I am waiting to see what happens next. The socialist did much better than I expected. It is going to be interesting.

    1. Ahhhh...that's right, I totally forgot about the evangelical voters.

      I've been in L.A. too long!

  3. Seems to me that, Huckabee turned out to be running for Donald Trump's vp and evangelical beard.

    1. Yeah, I heard a rumor the other day about Trump picking him for VP. Guess we'll just have to get some popcorn and watch how this all plays out....

  4. I've always thought that Dr. Carson, despite his bona fides, sounded a bit whiny. Sure enough, there he was on Fox News this a.m., complaining that "Cruz cheated."

    1. I don't know what their spat was about, but I heard Cruz formally apologized to him today.


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