Friday, August 30, 2013

Been Hot and Muggy All Week Here.....

And I haven't felt like doing much besdies some benchwork on a couple of radios I'm getting ready to sell on eBay.

95* and 50% humidity does not make for good yard work days, or even "Clean Out The Garage" days!


  1. It was the coolest summer on record here and decided to make up for it in august. 21 days with no rain, high temps and high humidity, but the cool stretch there was appreciated.

    Stay cool!

    1. Same here in central FL. August and so far the first week of Sept. have been about 98-100 every day. July was much better. Weird.

  2. It's been a remarkably cool summer here, too, until this week.

    It had been running high 70's/low 80's, and dropping down to 60 at night....really nice.

    Then WHAM! Monday started warming up.

    Guess we're all spoiled by nice weather when it's really not the norm here.

    L.A. is, after all, a coastal DESERT.

  3. Its back and forth here. Hot and humid then nice warm dry and sunny. Now it's back to 80s and humid.

  4. It's 60 degrees with 70% humidity here - which makes it warmer & more humid than usual ... for here. Have experienced your temps, too, and ours are better - if I do say so, myself.

  5. High temps and humidity really takes it out of me these days, much more than it used to. Oh well, that's what A/C is for!

  6. Best stay the heck out of the garage after 10am.

  7. temps in the 80's and 83% humidity yesterday and today... Typical muggy East coast weather- We'd LOVE 50% humidity!!! :-)

  8. temps in the 80's and 83% humidity yesterday and today... Typical muggy East coast weather- We'd LOVE 50% humidity!!! :-)

  9. temps in the 80's and 83% humidity yesterday and today... Typical muggy East coast weather- We'd LOVE 50% humidity!!! :-)


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