Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Heard Back from the CMP!

Well, just as with Old_NFO, they're saying 30~60 days minimum, but at least the order was accepted, and I'm "in the system"!

Time to order some of their ammo so I'll have something to feed "Duke" with.

We have received and verified your recent order. There is nothing that we will be able to tell you about the order until we have input all orders received ahead of yours into the system. Your order will now advance to our sales area and from there to our shipping area.  Please note, that unless otherwise listed, our order to ship time is at least 30-60  days. You will receive other emails as the order progresses.

Your customer # is XXXXXX. The order will not show as pending on the estore until the Sales Department processes and assigns an order number to it. If you have any problems logging onto the estore, please let us know.

Thank you for your order and your support of our program.


  1. When I got my Garand, the CMP came in faster than they said. They quoted six weeks minimum and I had them in four. It's a wonderful thing!

    SiGraybeard @ work

  2. Glad to hear. Welcome to the CMP club! Now we have to get you reloading for that rifle.

  3. I already have the RCBS "Rock Chucker Supreme" reloading kit, and I bought shell holders and dies for all the cartridges I plan to reload.

    357, 40S&W (for my son), 45ACP, 30-30WIN, 30-06, and 308.

    I have a lot of once-fired brass for the first 4 calibers I listed, and I have plenty of primers for all of them.

    I got lucky for once, and ordered "a lot" of primers when I bought the press. Ammo was starting to get scarce (again!), but I could still get components.

    Unfortunately I didn't buy any powder or bullets, but I have some local guys that are willing to "share" some of their supplies to get me stated.

    And I have some bullet molds for 38/357 and 45acp that a friend 'gifted' me, so if things get really bad, I can always cast some pistol boolits!

  4. At least you are now in the 'system'... Hurry up and wait! :-D


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