Rejoice and celebrate the day!
Admiral Yamamoto infamously said "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a man with a rifle behind every blade of grass."
And so it should be, a nation of riflemen....
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Gloomy, Gritty, Grey Day
At 1700 local it's as described in the headline; 30*F, 88% RH, completely overcast, snowing like crazy (small flakes, but lots of them), and the wind is whipping it up at about 25~30MPH. It's a good night to stay inside, have a big Mug-O-Joe, and listen to the scanner. I get near real-time updates on the road conditions from the snow plows and deicing trucks, and this storm is getting nasty. When you hear a plow operator say "Yep, it's started. They're already crashing...", you know the roads are slippery.
I got the garage swept out, and put SLW's car inside, and then retreated back in here. I've been cleaning up my old paper files in the basement, and I've just about filled two yard-sized trash bags with shredded paper. And I FINALLY went through, cleaned out, and organized, my two-drawer filing cabinet.
Almost finished with the reorganization of the "Electronics" bench. Moved the test equipment to be more usable, and moved around the work surface and anti-static mat top eliminate the dead space between the work surface and edge of the table it sits on. That worked so well that I'll do the same over on the "Mechanical" workbench.
So if you live out here, keep warm and dry. If you live elsewhere, act appropriately. And regardless of your locale, keep your head on a swivel. I think we may be in for a Long, Hot Summer......
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
One Year Ago Today.....
I fell in the garage and broke my hip, beginning a year of hospital visits, tests, and other procedures.
And the speakers I had just started building? Sloooowly nearing completion. They would have been finished by now, but I missed on two holes used to mount the speaker grill, so now I have to plug, sand, and re-drill them.
This one came out just fine.
It looks a bit off, but it's mounted into a rubber mount, and I didn't push it down all the way. I still have to do the final fitment, apply glue, let it cure, and then SLW is going to help me cover them with speaker grill cloth.
So the odd one is plugged...
Then trimmed, sanded, and filled. Ill sand it tomorrow so the filler has plenty of time to cure.
Since it's going to be in the 60's this week, and clear, I'll be out in the garage bringing that whole system back on-line.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Annnnd.....We Got Zip.....
Total snow was about 6~8", but half o0f it melted as soon as it hit, and we never had more than 3" on the ground at any one time. All I had to shovel were the front steps, and a path down the driveway.
The streets are dry now, and it's forecast for 50* on Sunday, so most of it will be gone, and all of it by Friday.
And the Ariens still slumbers..
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Batten Down The Hatches!
Looks like a Big One coming in. I-70 is already closed, and parts of I-25, North and South of here, are likely to be closed.
So far, we've received a little over 1/8" of rain, and the rain stopped about 2130 local. It's 2250 now, and the back patio is sloooowly drying.
The worst of it will be South of here, with Denver getting clobbered, and some places in the Rocky Mountain Nat'l Forest, and the Front Range, are expected to get up to 48" of snow. We're forecast at 3~6", but we'll see.
The Weather Radar from Cheyenne gives a good picture.
So stay warm and dry, stay off the roads, and if you have to be out in this weather, you have my sympathy. I've worked outdoors in this stuff, and it ain't pleasant.
Thursday, March 7, 2024
My Friend Has Passed....
It's with a very heavy heart that I have to report that our beloved dog and faithful friend Pebbles quietly passed away today at 1745 local time. She was surrounded by her family and the Veterinary Staff.
She was born eleven and a half years ago in Long Beach, CA, and had a very unique personality. She loved people, was very friendly, fiercely protective of us, and a trusted companion.
I took a couple of pictures of her today, but I'd much rather remember her with this one.
So long, my friend. I hope and pray our paths will cross again, and we can resume our journey.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Preparing for "The Last Ride To The Vet".......
Little Miss Pebbles is getting close to her time. She's been off her feed, coughing/hacking, and her breathing has been raspy the last week. We had her in about three weeks ago, and they gave her a shot of Prednisolone, the same steroid I had in the hospital, and sent her home with some Prednisone, also what I came home from the hospital with. It worked fine, and her breathing was much better, and she was very playful, like normal.
Then late last week, she started being lethargic, watery eyes, and coughing/hacking (Think "ACCCK!", like Bill the Cat), and a bit more "needy" (wants pets and hugs while licking me)than she usually is. So we took her in today, and the consensus was "Soon". If the meds she's getting now don't help her, then we're left with no choice but to take that last, sad Ride To The Vet, and a very lonely return trip.
SLW and I are both distraught over this, but it's part of life. Pebbles is the first dog I ever bonded with to this extent, and it's going to be pretty tough saying goodbye.
OldAFSarge lost his cats a while back, and I deeply sympathize with him.
I'll keep you all posted.
Friday, March 1, 2024
Bob Heil, K9EID, SK
I just heard that Bob Heil passed away a few days ago after a years long battle with cancer. Bob was responsible for bringing high-quality microphones to Amateur Radio, along with many audio accessories. He was a world-class organist on the huge pipe organs that were popular during the silent film era. He was also the audio engineer for Dolly Parton, developed the Wall-of-Sound that the Grateful Dead used for their tours, and invented the "Talk Box" that Peter Frampton put to such good use.
RIP, Bob. You will be missed.
Fifteen Years of Wedded Life....
Was celebrated yesterday. My Sweet Little Wife, knowing me rather well, decided to get married on Valentine's Day so I'd never fo...

Yawn....just more Kabuki Theater, but interesting reading, nonetheless. Read All About It Here.....
Every so often when I'm checking my PiAware ADSB receiver/display I'll notice an aircraft with a flight path that catches my eye. I...